A friendly suggestion


Well-Known Member
So when I see dudes with boobs and sex crap as there avatars it tells me a few things.
Number 1 it tells me that MzJill who has 3 daughters that were raising to be awesome proud humans to make a difference in the world won't come to a site that has childish teenage avatars like chicks tits or worse.

It also tells any girl visiting the site thats its basically a sausage fest and they probably find the exit..
Its offensive to women and while I love looking at MzJill's incredible body when were alone I doubt you guys would appreciate it if she came here and used a huge cock as her avatar.
Just a heads up theirs lots of cool grow chicks that feel this way!
So unless you guys want to keep bumping cocks all your life maybe clean up the avatars a bit.
We don't put up with this shit at my site and we have more active female members than any other website!

Just an idea



Well-Known Member
Well said and I do agree with you :hump:...It almost made me not join :spew:but I looked past the porn avatars and just thought to myself its young guys using them and I'll just ignore them .. I have had a few threads I started hijacked even with sex talk when it started off as a pot queastion ,coment..
I enjoy the site so untill these types of Avatars get banned probably we are stuck with them such is life..


Well-Known Member
I know imagine that. Stoned people acting stupid. Guys hounding girls, girls teasing guy's.
Blastphamy... Everyone look at LACY, she's one amazing contributer to this site. She gives as much as she gets, and I believe she enjoys the game. Good for you L...
Like TV. You don't like change channels. Shit you're paying for the inter-web


Well-Known Member
Salut tout les filles, et bonjour... Long live twistygirls wikid, chiceh lacy and all... who are not written here
Loooooove girls


Well-Known Member
One quick observation -- There are other sites I frequent where the men who should be plenty old enough to know better, don't, and they use some very offensive avatars. :) It's not necessarily a young man or teenage thing, plenty of MAWGs are going through some mid-life crisis.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You're going to try and impose your belief system by essentially threatening us that no one will want to come if we keep our avatars this way? Or that children who come here will be any less inclined to make a difference in the world all because of a couple pictures? Seriously? You're going to try and pull that?

I for one am going to say fuck that. To each his own. If some girl comes in here and uses a huge cock as an avatar I could care less. It's the quality of the posts that matter. You, just like everyone else here (including me), should be tolerant of what other people would like to put in their personal space. It's not our right to govern over what someone deems fit to use as an avatar. That's why we have the option to use one or not.

It's not a question of ethics, it's a question of freedom. I feel like I have the right to put a spinning pot leaf in my avatar slot. Some people who hate pot would probably find my avatar offensive and consider me an ignorant prick. I'm not and I don't care what those people think because it's my space to use and not theirs. If they don't want to see it then they can leave. End of discussion.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% on the filthy avatar deal,my understanding of the "concept" of an avatar is that it should show a part of your personality or something your proud of or even strive to be,not just some big ole titties or cum on the chin.

Your right about the sausage extravaganza,the guy's who talk about pussy the most are usually getting the least.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You're going to try and impose your belief system by essentially threatening us that no one will want to come if we keep our avatars this way? Or that children who come here will be any less inclined to make a difference in the world all because of a couple pictures? Seriously? You're going to try and pull that?

I for one am going to say fuck that. To each his own. If some girl comes in here and uses a huge cock as an avatar I could care less. It's the quality of the posts that matter. You, just like everyone else here (including me), should be tolerant of what other people would like to put in their personal space. It's not our right to govern over what someone deems fit to use as an avatar. That's why we have the option to use one or not.

It's not a question of ethics, it's a question of freedom. I feel like I have the right to put a spinning pot leaf in my avatar slot. Some people who hate pot would probably find my avatar offensive and consider me an ignorant prick. I'm not and I don't care what those people think because it's my space to use and not theirs. If they don't want to see it then they can leave. End of discussion.
You are a self-righteous prick if you believe what you just wrote. Not only do you go out of your way to disrespect the original poster, but you ignore the fact that when you are public you are expected to behave like an adult.

While this forum is moderated and the moderators ultimately decide what is appropriate, it is just disrespectful to tell everyone else to "deal" with your beliefs if they are offensive. Sure, technically I could walk down the street and drop the n-bomb and be within rights, but doesn't that fall within the realm of things that you just don't do?

Besides the fact that one looks like a dbag for having a naked chick in their avatar, some people just find it offensive. Notice how public nudity is illegal? And I don't care what you say, everybody here - myself included - would be taken aback by an avatar with a giant cock on it, even if there was a christmas wreath of fat nugs around it.

To those of you using 'fag' as an insult ... grow the fuck up .. and, yeah, enjoy rosy, 'cause she'll be with you forever.

My gf comments on the ridiculous avatars too ... my explanations have been similar to those I've seen in previous posts here - lack of maturity and/or sexual outlet. Thank god for those that porn is so easily accessible on the intraweb.


p.s. it's "couldn't care less", not "could care less"


Well-Known Member
You are a self-righteous prick if you believe what you just wrote. Not only do you go out of your way to disrespect the original poster, but you ignore the fact that when you are public you are expected to behave like an adult.

While this forum is moderated and the moderators ultimately decide what is appropriate, it is just disrespectful to tell everyone else to "deal" with your beliefs if they are offensive. Sure, technically I could walk down the street and drop the n-bomb and be within rights, but doesn't that fall within the realm of things that you just don't do?

Besides the fact that one looks like a dbag for having a naked chick in their avatar, some people just find it offensive. Notice how public nudity is illegal? And I don't care what you say, everybody here - myself included - would be taken aback by an avatar with a giant cock on it, even if there was a christmas wreath of fat nugs around it.

To those of you using 'fag' as an insult ... grow the fuck up .. and, yeah, enjoy rosy, 'cause she'll be with you forever.

My gf comments on the ridiculous avatars too ... my explanations have been similar to those I've seen in previous posts here - lack of maturity and/or sexual outlet. Thank god for those that porn is so easily accessible on the intraweb.


p.s. it's "couldn't care less", not "could care less"
Exactly. "Expected". Why am I expected to act in a certain manner in public? Because of social norms derived before my time that I "have" to follow otherwise I'm being improper? No. Fuck that too. And fuck you for saying I went out of my way to insult her. I didn't go out of my way. I insulted and commented on her beliefs and how she is basically trying to impose her beliefs upon us just for a few peoples comfort by removing the freedom to use whatever avatar someone likes.

I also don't agree with someone using a set of tits or a big fat cock as an avatar but like I said, I DON'T CARE. It's not my avatar. I don't have to look at the avatar. It's not my right to tell someone what they can and can not use as an avatar so I don't. I don't make suggestions about it either. If someone were to offend me I wouldn't go up in arms about it because of a picture. It's a picture. Get over it. And just because you feel your system of beliefs involving nudity/sex in pictures is correct doesn't mean everyone agrees with it. So why are you trying to impose those beliefs on other people who probably don't agree with you?

It's not disrespectful for someone to exercise their rights. It's disrespectful for you to get all uppety about it and try to silence someone just because you and a couple people are offended.

Also, how am I the 'self-righteous prick' when you're the type of person who goes around trying to impose your values upon other people just for your comfort of knowing you don't have to look at anything that offends you? That's being a self-righteous prick. Your post offended me but am I going to try and get arguments like this banned because I don't want to argue about this? No.


Well-Known Member
Not again, lol.

This isn't the only time this has been brought up.

My only opinion on it is: keep it classy not trashy. If you have trouble understanding that then you probably have trashy..


Well-Known Member
Exactly. "Expected". Why am I expected to act in a certain manner in public? Because of social norms derived before my time that I "have" to follow otherwise I'm being improper? No. Fuck that too. And fuck you for saying I went out of my way to insult her. I didn't go out of my way. I insulted and commented on her beliefs and how she is basically trying to impose her beliefs upon us just for a few peoples comfort by removing the freedom to use whatever avatar someone likes.
You don't have to do anything. But if you don't want to look like a disrespectful prick or pre-teen handkerchief humper, you choose to respect what offends other people. You'll get that if/when you grow up. I'm sure when you go to work you tell your boss what a fucking dick he is because the constitution grants you the right to do so. You're so nonconformist.

I also don't agree with someone using a set of tits or a big fat cock as an avatar but like I said, I DON'T CARE. It's not my avatar. I don't have to look at the avatar. It's not my right to tell someone what they can and can not use as an avatar so I don't. I don't make suggestions about it either. If someone were to offend me I wouldn't go up in arms about it because of a picture. It's a picture. Get over it. And just because you feel your system of beliefs involving nudity/sex in pictures is correct doesn't mean everyone agrees with it. So why are you trying to impose those beliefs on other people who probably don't agree with you?
see part below about 'imposing'

It's not disrespectful for someone to exercise their rights. It's disrespectful for you to get all uppety about it and try to silence someone just because you and a couple people are offended.
I'm not trying to silence anyone. You are welcome to disagree, but I am also free to judge you for it and express my opinion. It definitely *can* be disrespectful to exercise your rights, depending on circumstance. If I stand out in the street and yell "god is a spaghetti monster" in front of a minister's house, you're telling me that's not disrespectful? Right.

Also, how am I the 'self-righteous prick' when you're the type of person who goes around trying to impose your values upon other people just for your comfort of knowing you don't have to look at anything that offends you? That's being a self-righteous prick. Your post offended me but am I going to try and get arguments like this banned because I don't want to argue about this? No.
I'm not imposing my value on anyone. People are free to do whatever they like, but doing so in a public place is in fact imposing on me and others who just don't appreciate it. I wouldn't, for example, walk into a porn shop and expect anything but nudity, and I could/would never say anything about it.

You don't get the fact that it is a disrespect to do things knowing they will offend others. Obviously there is a grey area in terms of who is imposed on, from the extreme example I gave of dropping the n-bomb to, for example, fundamentalists being offended by public use of alcohol and products marketed by sex appeal. Yes, there are social norms. Without them society would be anarchy. There is no reason to not use discretion - and in this case, how is it imposing on someone to ask that they don't show tits in their g'damn avatar? You feel you must do so to 'express yourself' over the objections of others? THAT is self-righteous. How about if I wanted to show pictures of naked children, or from prisoners of Abu Ghraib, or underage prostitutes from documentary films, or of lynchings from the 50s? Would you so adamantly defend my right to do so then?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks for this thread subcool. I am a cool grow chick (so I have been told, lol) and I think an Avatar should have some meaning or reflect you and or your personality. Something to show who you are in a way. I see lots of naked/ half naked female avatars, some are nice and tasteful and some others are just too out there raunchy. If I want to see that there are other web sites I can look at for that. If Rollitup makes it a rule, I would not be bothered by it. :mrgreen::peace:

So when I see dudes with boobs and sex crap as there avatars it tells me a few things.
Number 1 it tells me that MzJill who has 3 daughters that were raising to be awesome proud humans to make a difference in the world won't come to a site that has childish teenage avatars like chicks tits or worse.

It also tells any girl visiting the site thats its basically a sausage fest and they probably find the exit..
Its offensive to women and while I love looking at MzJill's incredible body when were alone I doubt you guys would appreciate it if she came here and used a huge cock as her avatar.
Just a heads up theirs lots of cool grow chicks that feel this way!
So unless you guys want to keep bumping cocks all your life maybe clean up the avatars a bit.
We don't put up with this shit at my site and we have more active female members than any other website!

Just an idea



Well-Known Member
I think that my argument may be confusing you, revelation.

I don't think that the forum should censor those who want nudity in their avatars.

I think that the participants in the forum should censor themselves.

I too am an advocate of free speech. I believe the cartoons of Mohammed should be published. That doesn't mean I think the creators should have drawn them. Ya get it?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm female... so I'd like to weigh in on this topic.

Personally I don't mind the porn or close to Avatars. I watch porn myself so it would be hypocritical of me to look down on or pass judgement on those that use it in their Avatar.

I read what posters have to say.... and see how they react if I post something contrary to their post. If I see a porn Avatar and a reply to my post along the lines of "yo stupid bitches".... then I know it's likely a 12 year old. Hell even if they DON'T have a porn Avatar but respond with that kind of post then I think they are 12.

I really do appreciate the time the poster of this thread took to spell out his opinions on being respectful of us women here. It was a thoughtful post to let us know our participation is welcome and appreciated.... Thank you :D

He wasn't trying to "lay down the law".... just making a friendly observation / suggestion. Some posters jumped on the "fuck that" bandwagon... and that's fine too. I can take it ... and from what I've seen ... so can EVERY OTHER woman here..... in fact I'm pretty sure most of us could OUT FILTH most of the men here and still have energy left over to walk the dog, pay the bills and make a few stock trades. :mrgreen:

Peace, free speech and thick skin to all
:D :peace:


Well-Known Member
<snipped>... Notice how public nudity is illegal?
not everyone on this forum lives in the USA... the free country where everything is illegal.. there are a damn lot of countries where public nudity is not illegal and people arent offended by seeing an exposed tit.

anyone that does not like avitars is welcome to turn them off in their profile.

oh my god i just saw a snatch@!


Well-Known Member
I don't find nudity offensive, actually. i find it amusing how offended people are by nudity ... and the euro attitude makes more sense to me. i know we're a country steeped in irony and hypocrisy.

what actually bothers me about the avatars is that it's done so distastefully. total nudity is not offensive, while i would find SI's swimsuit issue tasteless.