A Good Nute For Making BIgger Buds?


is there nute's that will make bigger buds? wht are the best for bigger buds? and more buds? by the ways im doing a cfl grow if that matters thanks! +rep


Well-Known Member
CFLS have a hard time creating dense nuggets. mine come out fluffy but light. Ive tried a few versions of nutrients and i firmly believe its cause the cfls.



Well-Known Member
is there nute's that will make bigger buds? wht are the best for bigger buds? and more buds? by the ways im doing a cfl grow if that matters thanks! +rep
Use more watts, grow from clone, and feed with a balanced, well rounded nutrient. Less is more when it comes to feeding.


Active Member
I don't know why people use cfls. Better are those cheap 80 watt hps outdoor lamps sold at homedepot. Even better is a 200 or 150 watt small contained hps lamp. This is no lie, I got 8 oz off one plant and a 200 hps (and a whole lot of CO2 :).


Active Member
For my flowering stage i use the following products to get massive colas and large yields. FoxFarm TigerBloom & BigBloom along with there solubles which are OpenSesame, BeastieBloomz, ChaChing. Then I add Advanced Nutrients RhinoSkin, BudCandy and WetBetty along w/ the above nutes to get awesome yields. If you can stick you plants under a HPS light that will also double to triple your yields at least


Well-Known Member
wouldn't growing from seed have better yields?
The growth structure of clones is better than that of seed. I suppose you could train and top and whatever and I do when I'm growing from seed. But I've always found clones to have more bud sites and a quicker turn-around since they don't require any manipulation.


Active Member
I don't know why people use cfls. Better are those cheap 80 watt hps outdoor lamps sold at homedepot. Even better is a 200 or 150 watt small contained hps lamp. This is no lie, I got 8 oz off one plant and a 200 hps (and a whole lot of CO2 :).
You can keep the plants within 4-5 inches from a 150.
gravity from humbolt will dens up the bud and i have had some strains that just wont get hard . i use 400 watt lights and have 2800 watts in flower!!!!!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
wouldn't growing from seed have better yields?

no matter the end result, a seed is always going to take a lot longer to develop to the point of producing a large yeild. that extra time kills the grow length to yeild ratio so no matter what you pull off the plant it's going to take at least 3 weeks longer than a clone would have. and i agree with the posts suggesting you focus on the light rather than the nutes for bigger buds. if hid lighting is just not an option you could always add say another 50 watts of cfl light on the side and that should definately increase the yeild and the quality of the end product.


Active Member
atami bloombastic or plagron green sensation best 2 products on the market without a doubt
There is a less expensive version of bloombastic thats not so thick called black magic extra stout looks like a beer bottle label lol, my store gave me a free bottle when I went to buy a little bottle of bloombastic and it works just as good I'll show a side by side on my next harvest.