New Member
Hello everyone. I'm a new member, long time lurker. I just enjoy sucking up the knowledge, and there's plenty here. Love the site. I'm not an active grower of cannabis, though I have a few grows under my belt from years ago. Small indoor stuff. Nothing professional about it. And I really have no plans of growing for myself again, but if it ever gets legalized for recreational use in R.I., I certainly will go back to growing a couple plants every few months since it's so cheap to set up a decent indoor grow these days. So just for future reference for myself in case I ever did start growing again, I'm wondering if all you knowledgeable growers here could point me to a cannabis strain or two that I could have a small perpetual grow going of one strain that would be good for adding flavorings to, just to not get sick of smoking the same tasting product all the time? A strain that grows well being kept small, and more importantly, has a slightly sweet, but neutral flavor profile. Something that I could add different flavors to different plants, like bubble gum in one, strawberry in another, hell.....even root beer lol....and it not clash as it would with a strain that had a heavy pine aroma of it's own or something like that. Any help on finding a strain like that would be great, I also welcome any discussion on the topic of flavor additives. And I'm sorry if this all come out as one paragraph. I made my first post last night and line break just didn't register. I'm stuck on a dated browser, I think that's the problem. But how I typed it does have paragraphs, so again.....sorry if it comes out as a wall of text.