So I was over a week off, I'm at 11.5 weeks and I chopped some down. Picture 1(first post) is before, After is after and Trimmed is wet ready to dry goods. I'm thinking 20+ is a reality. Wet weight is 300g. I know that doesn't mean a lot but it is a rough frame of reference.
CrackerJax: Those must not have been the agents who invented the interweb because I believe Gore's boys missed a multiplying factor in their algorithms.
Hes not getting more than 12 ounces out those little guys. Are you using co2? Why such small pussy pots with 1200 watts. Nice grow but I wouldn't get my hopes up on 32 ounces, 16 was the smallest he says? I'm confused. But hey what do I know, overall outstanding grow and I wish you the best. What was your grow technique? Did you supercrop, top them? I have 3 plants and hope for 3 ounces, they're twice as big if not larger, bud mass similar to yours, is why it is hard to believe.Man I hope all of you are wrong. I've grown in this setup a few times and my smallest harvest has been 16oz. I'll be disapointed with 16 I was shooting for 32 but my guess is in the low 20's. I'll know in a couple weeks. Thanks again.
whats the strain hommieMy computer broke down for a while. Picture attached is 26 oz. It looks strange because of a wide angle lens, but that what I've got. I have what I think will be 4-5 oz when dry drying right now. And half of a paper shopping bag of small buds, leaves and such that I was going to make goodies with but I may try to make hash if I can find an easy way.
Haze2arkroom 150W is a tent model not the number of watts.
303:No CO2. I don't think I need bigger pots they are 8"x8" on top and 7.5" tall. Why would I? Using the same setup the smallest I have ever harvested is 16 oz. Top till I have 7-8 colas per plant. If yours looks like the first picture I posted you will be pleasantly surprised.
Thanks for the comments/guesses.
wow amazing set up and plants. what did you do different from the last grow. Also my pre guess would have to be 27.5oz....does the winner get a prize?Island Sweet Skunk, I was told when I got it. 1200W.