A Guide To Colloidal Silver

There's a lot of expert advice on that site I linked but you can try to re-invent the wheel if you want. The laser pointer thing only shows larger particles of silver in the solution and shows nothing if it's pure ionic CS.

I'm looking for a few small electronic parts to build a current limiting circuit for my CS setup but damned hard to find a place to get a few bits. Need a 43 and 430Ohm resistor and a LM334Z current limiter. May have to start scavenging parts out of old TVs etc to get them. Also need a diode in the circuit but already found a few of those.

Going to need a pretty precise scale to measure the silver in a batch of CS or the silver lost from the wires after making a batch. I have an analytical balance that weighs down to 0.0001g that might do it.
I'd say that unless you are planning on drinking the CS, or putting it in your eyes, etc. (which I don't recommend), the stuff made with a basic generator, as depicted in the OP, is more than sufficient for Cannabis "flipping".

The main goal is to get the particles small enough that they can pass through the plant's membranes, and pure enough that they don't burn the plant tissues upon application.

If your homemade CS is clear, and passes the laser pointer test (the beam shows clearly), it should work on Cannabis plants without any issues.
There's a lot of expert advice on that site I linked but you can try to re-invent the wheel if you want.

Where was that link? I'd certainly like to read anything more precise on the subject. Anything except for medical claims that is. Now it's showing up as a weight loss treatment...
You're planning on selling grow kits with media and everything?

I just saw this after going back. Yea, I have a great kit! I've tested it in many grows. Nothing to do but add water. It's pushing the limits of hot soil, in order to stunt the plant so it can grow under a single 18W led bulb. But the main thing is, I can easily provide clone seeds for free with each kit.

And there's a big market for it in California! I wish someone would do it just so I can verify if that was a viable business or not.

Unfortunately, after I designed and tested the kit over many grows, my partner got interested in mining digital currencies.

He's got rigs generating $300K a year, so selling marijuana kits to tattoo shops and to tatto show vendors has lost its lure.

I'm designing mining rigs instead.
Where was that link? I'd certainly like to read anything more precise on the subject. Anything except for medical claims that is. Now it's showing up as a weight loss treatment...

The link works for me.

How Can Colloidal Silver Be Tested for Silver Content?

All that below is one long link.

http://www.thesilveredge.com/how ca... tested for silver content.shtml#.WAqASjHLe0o

Good site to wander around in. Links to info can be hard to find but worth looking for.
Thank you!

I have the first results for how much silver is used. None.

I put my 24VAC electrodes in yesterday weighing 13.52/13.51 grams. I had Mr. Coffee heater pad under a beaker of 150ml of distilled water.

Today you can easily see the laser in room lighting. And the electrode weighs 13.51 grams.

So I'd need a much better scale for 1 day losses.

But it's very encouraging. As long as you don't make fuzz, the electrodes will last longer than you'll live to use them.

This doesn't apply to DC usage. I believe there's no voltage for DC that makes colloidal silver without losses. I tested from .5 volts to 30 volts. There are losses of either electroplate crystals detaching from the electrode at < 1.5V, and electrode burning (fuzz) for voltages above 2V, with no sweet spot in the middle.
Thank you!

I have the first results for how much silver is used. None.

I put my 24VAC electrodes in yesterday weighing 13.52/13.51 grams. I had Mr. Coffee heater pad under a beaker of 150ml of distilled water.

Today you can easily see the laser in room lighting. And the electrode weighs 13.51 grams.

So I'd need a much better scale for 1 day losses.

But it's very encouraging. As long as you don't make fuzz, the electrodes will last longer than you'll live to use them.

This doesn't apply to DC usage. I believe there's no voltage for DC that makes colloidal silver without losses. I tested from .5 volts to 30 volts. There are losses of either electroplate crystals detaching from the electrode at < 1.5V, and electrode burning (fuzz) for voltages above 2V, with no sweet spot in the middle.

I use a .9999 Canadian coin cut in half and the two halves suspended on .9999 silver wires and have made two gallons or more of CS and I doubt I'll live long enough to use up the coins. If I do I'll splurge and blow another $20 for a new coin and hook them up with the fresh ends of the same silver wires. I make mine in 1 liter batches that take 6-7 hours each in a flat-bottomed boiling ball that sits on an unheated magnetic stirrer. I generally clean the coins about halfway thru and switch polarities to get a more even use of the coins.

I know the stuff works because I healed an abscessed tooth in two days swirling a Tbsp around for 10 min twice a day. Got rid of pinkeye using it as eye drops and got rid of toenail fungus too. Great stuff.

The plastic caps keep the coins at the right spacing at just under an inch apart. This is right after use with the fluff still on. They get cleaned with a green kitchen scrubby so I'm not rubbing off any metal when I clean them.


That sits in the boiling ball with a plastic tube, pen or whatever, so the wires don't contact the glass and also to adjust the height so just the coins are in contact with the water as can be seen by the etching on them in the above pic.


I use a shotglass full of CS in each fresh batch to speed things up as well.

I use a shotglass full of CS in each fresh batch to speed things up as well

AC probably wouldn't work for you then, you make so much of it. My little AC generator is fairly fast for my needs, but it takes about 12 hours for 150ml. 1 liter would take 80 hours, as opposed to your 6 hours.

I hope there's no underwater soldering in that electrical circuit. That means other metals are present. Sometimes when I hear about colloidal making leaves burn, I have to think it was made from silver that isn't 999. Otherwise what could be burning the leaves? Not the silver, leaves will even build up a silver shine if you spray them 3 times a day, and they still don't yellow.
I hope there's no underwater soldering in that electrical circuit.

There's no soldering at all. I drilled precise sized holes in the coins to thread the wires through and crimp them in place for good contact. The closest alien metal is on the alligator clips that connect to the ends of the silver wires outside the boiling ball.

I store my CS in milk jugs I keep in a dark closet and after almost 3 years there's no silver residue in the jugs at all.
@EverythingsHazy @OldMedUser
Here's the deal. I just ordered two 6" pieces of .9999 silver and a laser pointer for testing. Do you think I can get away with it by using a 6 volt lantern battery and an air stone?

It'll be slow but it will work. Get good distilled water from the drug store and make sure it doesn't have fluoride in it like they add to some for people to make baby formula with so they can raise a retarded child. The parents are already retarded from all the fluoride they drank all their lives. :D

I get a 4L jug from the drug store for $4 so a buck a liter isn't bad and is the most expensive part of the cost of making CS.

Those batteries are expensive. You could score a wall wart for a buck or two at a thrift store and use that instead. I've found two 30v DC wall warts and got them for a dollar each. Even a 12v would work OK and they are common as hell.

Did you know that there are 32 or 36 AA batteries in those big 6v batteries that are the same as the ones the manufacture makes and sells for $1 - $2 each in small packs? Get a Duracell or Energizer one and rip it apart for cheaper batteries.
It'll be slow but it will work. Get good distilled water from the drug store and make sure it doesn't have fluoride in it like they add to some for people to make baby formula with so they can raise a retarded child. The parents are already retarded from all the fluoride they drank all their lives. :D

I get a 4L jug from the drug store for $4 so a buck a liter isn't bad and is the most expensive part of the cost of making CS.

Those batteries are expensive. You could score a wall wart for a buck or two at a thrift store and use that instead. I've found two 30v DC wall warts and got them for a dollar each. Even a 12v would work OK and they are common as hell.

Did you know that there are 32 or 36 AA batteries in those big 6v batteries that are the same as the ones the manufacture makes and sells for $1 - $2 each in small packs? Get a Duracell or Energizer one and rip it apart for cheaper batteries.
The Dollar Store close to me sells those 6v batteries for $1.99. I figure if it's only going to run a few hours I should get plenty of use out of it considering I may need to seed one branch off a plant or two. Maybe a half a quart of solution is all I will need.
@EverythingsHazy @OldMedUser
Here's the deal. I just ordered two 6" pieces of .9999 silver and a laser pointer for testing. Do you think I can get away with it by using a 6 volt lantern battery and an air stone?
The Dollar Store close to me sells those 6v batteries for $1.99. I figure if it's only going to run a few hours I should get plenty of use out of it considering I may need to seed one branch off a plant or two. Maybe a half a quart of solution is all I will need.
The wires should be fine as long as they are actually 0.9999% silver. I have never tried using a battery, since they get weaker as they are drained. You can probably make some sufficient CS with one, though.

There's really no need for it to be as ridiculously pure as some people are trying to make it, unless you are planning on ingesting it, or using it in your eyes/nose/etc.. If it is clear, made with pure silver, and shows a laser beam, you'll likely have success using it to induce pollen sacs on a Cannabis plant.
@EverythingsHazy , yes the silver is advertaised as .9999 fine silver for CS device. I'm not looking on going into the CS business, I just need enough to turn a branch or two on a few plants. I'm only looking at getting one small batch from the battery, that should be Plenty for my needs this year. If I can find someone with a spare cell phone charger between now and then I may go that route instead. Anyway, Thank you for the tips and advice. bongsmilie
@EverythingsHazy , yes the silver is advertaised as .9999 fine silver for CS device. I'm not looking on going into the CS business, I just need enough to turn a branch or two on a few plants. I'm only looking at getting one small batch from the battery, that should be Plenty for my needs this year. If I can find someone with a spare cell phone charger between now and then I may go that route instead. Anyway, Thank you for the tips and advice. bongsmilie
You're welcome, man. I think it should work fine for a small batch. Share your results, if you try it out! Good luck!
@EverythingsHazy @OldMedUser
I just got finished making my First batch of CS. I think it was a success. The little laser light shined pretty bright in it. I used a spare Ipod charger my neighbor gave me and an air stone to move the water around. Ended up making a Quart of it. I think what I may end up doing with my Auto flowering plants is make a diamond and put the tallest one ( one is taking off) in the middle and sacrifice it to the CS gods for the final outcome of seeds. The plants are two weeks old today and are about six inches or so tall so far. I plan on putting them in the ground in about a week and start spraying the sacrificial one when they about five weeks old. That should be about on target for the autoflowering ones to start their thing. If this is a success, which i see no reason why it shouldn't, I will make more and do the same for my photo Sour Diesel and Critical x Ice cross I have. They will be grown in two different fields. Cull the males and CS a few branches to make fem seeds out of them. Anywayz, wish me luck and thanks again for the tips you guys gave me. bongsmilie