A heart felt "Thank You"

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Like I give a fuck bobby. At least you're a better liar than neo.

How do you quote someone without alerting them? What kind of black passive aggressive magic is this that you're wielding? Are you using the dark side of the force? Abe supercro is a Sith Lord! It all makes sense now! C2G is Leia! CN is Skywalker! Bob is Han Solo! I think I've been in DisneyWorld too long maybe.
@Singlemalt I am going out to an Italian resto owned by brothers friends brother(confusing) all the recipes are created by their grandpa who is from somewhere in Italy. I will find out where. I worked at this resto for 2 days and then just stopped going because I made more money getting drunk selling crack on fridays.

He can cook like a champ tho, I regret not learning more from him.

I am getting a pasta or seafood dish, unsure yet. Don't want to get fat off pasta I got beer to drink
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How do you quote someone without alerting them? What kind of black passive aggressive magic is this that you're wielding? Are you using the dark side of the force? Abe supercro is a Sith Lord! It all makes sense now! C2G is Leia! CN is Skywalker! Bob is Han Solo! I think I've been in DisneyWorld too long maybe.
who am I just a simple wooky wook ?

I am furry and speak different

edit also neo charge your phone

I hate phones less then 75%

LOL Probably not, since you can't stop projecting, delusional schizotypal personalities from lying, distorting and obsessing. I'm betting he won't stop without external assistance.
Pretend like you're not obsessed w me, and then call me a liar. You and your forced LOL's and posturing aren't too difficult to see through. You were offered a truce yet you insist on passive-aggressively ribbing me. Truth. I'll make you my pet for a change, you even earned it. Fetch! sweet dreams mama, you and your games. mods know exactly what you're doing and have seen you pull the same shit on other members.
Me expressing myself is a "breakdown" huh? Sf - you're a constant trainwreck, in and out of hospitals.

Still don't understand what I meant when I reffered to you as, child-farmer?
think hard
because I have a few kids? you realize me and my baby moms are perfectly fine AND I SEE MY KIDS WHEN THEY ARE IN ONTARIO

again you misrepresenting my life and how I act.

for the record

abe is talking about how I have 2 kids and 1 that thinks of me as a father.
She then left to go to Manitoba to be with her family and I was in legal trouble at the time. I have talked about how this situation hurt me greatly, I have no power over what is happening.
I fell in good love with my baby moms sister btw abe. you should express the entire truth little buddy.
or is this because I knew a pedo off this forum? thats a story I will not divulge but I am allowing you to say your share.

dude you don't even try to know me or what I do let alone what is happening.

btw my kids are doing great and I see them on mothers day next, we are all going out to dinner with her sister. I might even travel to Manitoba to stay for a while.

cum at me harder you try hard

tell the truth if you want to try and hurt me or I will tell it for you.

I told tou I have no qualms speaking about things I mention. dont bring up pm\s or I will smash this thread with your own gems
Pretend like you're not obsessed w me, and then call me a liar. You and your forced LOL's and posturing aren't too difficult to see through. You were offered a truce yet you insist on passive-aggressively ribbing me. Truth. I'll make you my pet for a change, you even earned it. Fetch! sweet dreams mama, you and your games. mods know exactly what you're doing and have seen you pull the same shit on other members.
cries alone at night

pretends he got a job but really he just sleeps all day

I have someone on my phone right now bashing you

calling a spade a spade ;)

figure it out hotshot
cries alone at night

pretends he got a job but really he just sleeps all day

I have someone on my phone right now bashing you

calling a spade a spade ;)

figure it out hotshot
I sleep whenever I like, without having to check-in with a lifelong probation officer. I have several jobs but you were too wasted to put it all together. Someone bashing me, makes you feel better about you, I already knew that about you. Trust is a problem w you farmer.
View attachment 3899627

How do you quote someone without alerting them? What kind of black passive aggressive magic is this that you're wielding? Are you using the dark side of the force? Abe supercro is a Sith Lord! It all makes sense now! C2G is Leia! CN is Skywalker! Bob is Han Solo! I think I've been in DisneyWorld too long maybe.
That is wonderful to read. However I see myself more like this, Lando fukin Calrissian


but the reality is I'm pretty consistent across universes so here I am in that universe: so Hoth.

I sleep whenever I like, without having to check-in with a lifelong probation officer. I have several jobs but you were too wasted to put it all together. Someone bashing me, makes you feel better about you, I already knew that about you. Trust is a problem w you farmer.
again wrong?

life long probation?

dude I have until may 3rd and I can move whereever I want and live my life in Canada.

quit making up narratives

see you can't help to lie even when called a liar.

sad stuff bro
honestly it is sad you can't stop lying

I really do feel bad for you. listen just don't let the manic episodes get in the way of loving your cats like it did your aunty ok?\

thats all I ask is to take care of the kittehs like I trust you will, they are your lifeline bro.

take that to heart
I owe my life to that man

he showed me this band a while back

He talked me off a ledge

I got him pregnant

remember you can still get pregnant from anal folks
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