A heart felt "Thank You"

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Adios. If that was supposed to hurt, try harder gauntlet man. I can't blame you for disliking me, I have zero-respect for your bloodsucking online gf, who is a shriveled paranoid racist worm! Did any of that stick? I think so, just give it time.
LOL, nah she is quite capable of taking care of herself. Her only problem is she has civilized limits. I don't. I would make a request though; in the future please debate/fight like an adult and leave the juvenile name calling at home.
I still don't know why he decided to drag me into this shit when I've never said a word to him ....he's even liked my posts in the past ...shrugs

I'm with srh88 il speak my mind and don't need a group of people to share my feelings about an individual .....he seems quick to create a situation by talking shit and then calling everyone bullies before he leaves .............weird thing is ,,,I come on here for fun and I do give reddan shit ....but he gives it rite back ,,,,and when I was new reddan copped an attitude with me and so fuck ya I targeted him .....but now I'm the bully ......so I guess the bully is the guy who actually wins the shit talking contest ....regardless of who starts it ....makes sense o_O

If I truly thought my teasing was causing someone to be upset/suicidal IRL ....I'd stop

People who have any feelings on Riu or TNT have issues to begin with and shouldn't be here .....I was hazed by the best of you when I was new .......il assassinate you all later when I've gained your trust ..........it's the internet for fucks sake ....leave your feelings at the door

Helpful tips by --Inda
That's how he started with me too. Out of nowhere one day he says "fuck you bob zmuda!"


I've had a ton of people obsessed with me in real life and on the internet.

Abe is the first DUDE though. ;)
LOL, nah she is quite capable of taking care of herself. Her only problem is she has civilized limits. I don't. I would make a request though; in the future please debate/fight like an adult and leave the juvenile name calling at home.
She's a fkn bloodsucking paranoid craven worm on mental disability, that has obsessively glommed onto me. You know she's targeted me and IS a passive aggressive trolling fruit-bat, for a hopeful "win". You've turned your back on her bad behavior, I haven't expected much from you since. Same with bineer. I'll call her what she is now, while considering your words, even after your attempt to step on me a few times.
She's a fkn bloodsucking paranoid craven worm on mental disability, that has obsessively glommed onto me. You know she's targeted me and IS a passive aggressive trolling fruit-bat, for a hopeful "win". You've turned your back on her bad behavior, I haven't expected much from you since. Same with bineer. I'll call her what she is now, while considering your words, even after your attempt to step on me a few times.
I, well others as well, know of your problem with women Abe. Annie is only symbolic and an easy foil for your problems.
Explain and justify all you wish Abe. It is readily apparent that you have a serious problem with strong or "uppity" women. Your visceral hatred for her is palpable, your dislike for me and canabineer and the others isn't even in the same country. It's uppity women or rather women who won't cowtow to you.
And yes, I am divorced, happily for some 30+ years; she also is my bedmate when I wish and mother to my beautiful daughters.
It's uppity women or rather women who won't cowtow to you.
Cowtowing is a far cry from her obsessively passive aggressive trolling me, that's an act of domination.

Like I've said, I've shut up for a long time and made an effort at a reasonable truce. Since she's not mutually agreeable then I'll speak my mind freely, and often. If you're saying, she's not interested in making me uncomfortable and up to something else altogether, then maybe I'm wrong for gearing to return in kind. Being passive has done nothing for me to get her to flip off. So what choice am I left with. Simple: eat shit yourself, regardless if what sex you are. Same treatment I'd give any thug or head-tripper here.

She's your friend, you ignore her antics. It's obvious. Bineer is even worse, playing right along every step.
Well I just wanted to clear up why I rest my testicles firmly on reddans chin .....not because I picked his name out of a hat with nothing to go on .....but because he decided to jab at a guy named indacouch with the new member label years back ......il go out on a limb and say he slightly regrets that .......as far as the rest of this ....I was summoned here while taking a dump checking my alerts ..........i thought everyone knew reddan was the asshole first ....guess not

HEY EVERYONE -----reddan was the asshole first .....k that clears that up ..

Now I gotta go play with my boy a bit and tuck him in ........No,,,not my penis ,,,my 5 year old .

Then I'm guna get high .
you don't have to explain shit homie. Everyone knows all of that.

Except Abe. Everyone hates him so he's not "in the loop" as they say.
Cowtowing is a far cry from her obsessively passive aggressive trolling me, that's an act of domination.

Like I've said, I've shut up for a long time and made an effort at a reasonable truce. Since she's not mutually agreeable then I'll speak my mind freely, and often. If you're saying, she's not interested in making me uncomfortable and up to something else altogether, then maybe I'm wrong for gearing to return in kind. Being passive has done nothing for me to get her to flip off. So what choice am I left with. Simple: eat shit yourself, regardless if what sex you are. Same treatment I'd give any thug or head-tripper here.

She's your friend, you ignore her antics. It's obvious. Bineer is even worse, playing right along every step.
this is just too pathetic
Other than her sigs, which is her business, she ignores you. You get feisty and invariably you bring her up, without her participation. She lives in your head Abe and she doesn't even have to type a word. If you were half as intelligent as you think you are, you'd ignore her existence; but you just can't. Her presence gnaws and gnaws at your psyche; fueling these periodic pathetic meltdowns. Weakness Abe, weakness stares back at you from the mirror
Other than her sigs, which is her business, she ignores you. You get feisty and invariably you bring her up, without her participation. She lives in your head Abe and she doesn't even have to type a word. If you were half as intelligent as you think you are, you'd ignore her existence; but you just can't. Her presence gnaws and gnaws at your psyche; fueling these periodic pathetic meltdowns. Weakness Abe, weakness stares back at you from the mirror
You should be her publicist. Nice try. You know goddam well I live in her head. She had her chance to be normal and just move on.
LOL, good god man you are delusional. She does absolutely nothing, doesn't even have to and you start these tirades. She fucking owns, OWNS you! It is obvious to everyone around. Your psychotic hatred is getting deeper man. Who were these women who warped you so? If I were a nicer man I'd advise you to seek professional help; but I'm not. I enjoy the spectacle of mental disintegration. Good show man, keep it going
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