A heart felt "Thank You"

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no he was the quiet guy at the back of the class too scared to fight so he just throws little remarks in once and a while then retreating until the situation feels safe again

Aren't you the addled napoleanic fool who keeps spewing his own diarrhea constantly. You're real tough and pathetic. None of your drinking buddies would ever trust you in their home, they are amused by you but know you're a liability and a scumbag. Hell, even you know it's true

Have I called you out lately? Because case in point. As I said before, it seems as though you're the one that sticks little daggers in here and there and can't let it go.
You stirred up a bunch of shit yourself, blaming fdd, defending your cat killer friend who abandoned you. So I said something... relax, i still love you.
Aren't you the addled napoleanic fool who keeps spewing his own diarrhea constantly. You're real tough and pathetic. None of your drinking buddies would ever trust you in their home, they are amused by you but know you're a liability and a scumbag. Hell, even you know it's true

You stirred up a bunch of shit yourself, blaming fdd, defending your cat killer friend who abandoned you. So I said something... relax, i still love you.

Icey cold that one was

A lonely old man with no friends irl is going to hurt me.

So cute

Cats bro
I would totally let you crash on my couch for a week @StonedFarmer . I would also totally put my stuff in the lockbox at the bank though. Heroin makes people do hurtful things. It'd be to protect our friendship. If you gave me naked pics of cat lady I could probably forget to lock up my wife's emergency stash of wisdom teeth pain meds though.
I would totally let you crash on my couch for a week @StonedFarmer . I would also totally put my stuff in the lockbox at the bank though. Heroin makes people do hurtful things. It'd be to protect our friendship. If you gave me naked pics of cat lady I could probably forget to lock up my wife's emergency stash of wisdom teeth pain meds though.

I am unsure wheter to feel hurt or ?.
Aren't you the addled napoleanic fool who keeps spewing his own diarrhea constantly. You're real tough and pathetic. None of your drinking buddies would ever trust you in their home, they are amused by you but know you're a liability and a scumbag. Hell, even you know it's true

You stirred up a bunch of shit yourself, blaming fdd, defending your cat killer friend who abandoned you. So I said something... relax, i still love you.
I'd trust SF in my home over you ANY day of the week.
Like I give a fuck bobby. At least you're a better liar than neo.
dude you think I am a thief or something?

I am pretty straight shooting unlike your passive aggressive self. You have no clue what anyone thinks of me but those you have. I am a self admitted shitty person but that is because of things I have done to ruin friendships like sleeping with girlfriends of friends, cheating on a few of my ex's, I am a con, I sell crack and heroin and let's talk about the drug issues I suffer from?

Currently off methadone, haven't even had a slip, making new friends irl and online. I got laid recently, with a bartender who got ME drunk and fucked me in the basement of a bar. lol come at me bro I am a open book of mistakes and lessons on how to lose all your lovers and friends

I can een teach you to suck cock

I do own a few cats tho and that is my best quality according my buddy/.

its true
I love all the shit talking lately.

roll it up you never dissapoint to bring out the shit talking and one upping

The cats memes/pics have been on point as of late as well.

keep it up folks, time for another bowl of soup and propose a new found music love to a frand

might even make a acct at this forum I found and troll it like a bawss

music is on my list,
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