a hermie question


Well-Known Member
do you still get bud out of a hermie, i know peopole dont like them but will u still get bud, even if it does ahve seeds in it


Well-Known Member
yes just not as potent, once she(it) is pollinated, she(it) focuses energy on seed production.
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Well-Known Member
grow it out then kill everything that it was around when everything finishes up budding, you don't want to have to worry about hermies in the future, its best just to start clean, good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
if it is just a few branches then you can cut them off while it's young and it has a good chance of bein good to go...I just harvested a plant that was hermie today....no seeds at all...cause i cut off the lower branches in time. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if it is just a few branches then you can cut them off while it's young and it has a good chance of bein good to go...I just harvested a plant that was hermie today....no seeds at all...cause i cut off the lower branches in time. :mrgreen:
That is very interesting...Didnt know you could take off branches that turned hermie.


Well-Known Member
Yea i harvested my purple widow that turnd hermi in the 6th week of flowerin.
Has seeds in like every caylex fuckin sucks worse than mexi brick
hate smokin it either gonna make hash or some edibles.


Well-Known Member
hermies taste like shit..or atleast the one i had... my other plants tasted like fucking fruity pebbles and the herm tasted the ways balls smell... hermies shouldnt even happen in life....


Well-Known Member
My first grow they all turned hermi. Some had more seeds than others. All of it smoked very nicely and was very stoney.