A high thought about aliens


Well-Known Member
So i was high the other day thinking about aliens (typical tuesday), actually thats not something i spend too much time thinking about. But anyways, i was thinking, all the alien sightings ive ever heard all seem to have something in common.

All the alien sightings always seem to be relevant in size as humans.

I was just thinking about how big the universe is, and how the earth can fit in the sun however many times, and the sun can fit into some of the bigger stars however many times.

Wouldnt it be highly unlikely that if there were aliens, they would be anywhere near our size? Out of the hundreds, or thousands of aliens sightings, they always seem to be our size, like little marshan men, or ufo's that arent that much different in size than our own aircrafts.

As big as the universe is, what if theres aliens out there, who's brains are the size of this earth?
So i was high the other day thinking about aliens (typical tuesday), actually thats not something i spend too much time thinking about. But anyways, i was thinking, all the alien sightings ive ever heard all seem to have something in common.

All the alien sightings always seem to be relevant in size as humans.

I was just thinking about how big the universe is, and how the earth can fit in the sun however many times, and the sun can fit into some of the bigger stars however many times.

Wouldnt it be highly unlikely that if there were aliens, they would be anywhere near our size? Out of the hundreds, or thousands of aliens sightings, they always seem to be our size, like little marshan men, or ufo's that arent that much different in size than our own aircrafts.

As big as the universe is, what if theres aliens out there, who's brains are the size of this earth?

There very well could be such beings... hell there could be intelligent species living in the sun. I think the overall humanoid shape that most people claim to see is possibly b/c its a universal figure for doing complex things. We know dolphins are super intelligent, but they lack human like arms and legs (and what not), which would make them much more adaptable in all climates , BUT they are STUCK in water. If you think about it, we have people living in Antarctica and the friggen Sahara desert. This is two opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to extreme climates, yet as humans we are able to sustain such conditions b/c of our figure.
I do believe there are other life forms in the universe. Humans say in order for life there needs to be water, what if these organisms lived off fire or something? There could very well be life forms that have adapted living off other substances(or not even adapted but thats just how they are). Just because WE need water doesnt mean some other life form needs water.
I was just thinking the other day <O.O> We are the aliens that ate all the dinosaurs? :lol:
We couldn't catch all the birds and alligators but we're still here! and so are they? mind bending shit :lol:

damn cheese haha :leaf:
although a common arguement to the non-believers; consider this. why do primates have 4 limbs and a dick? why do whales have 2 pectoral fins and 2 conjoined tail fins and a dick? what about sharks? okay a hidden dick but still... Its always in the same general place because evolution forces our genes to form in this particular manor. They are probably more like people-shaped reptilians or people shaped wookies. by people shaped I mean 2 legs, 2 arms, and a dick, of coarse.
Physics says:

Their size would depend on the gravity they are living in and the strength/weight ratio of the matter they are made of. How they evolved to move and how much they move too.

The aircraft size would depend on the purpose of the aircraft. Logically scout ships would be relatively smaller than other ships. Also the heating up from the atmosphere gets harder if they have big ships, so it may be pointless that way.

I say:

They are like that because we made them up and thats the best hollywood film studios could come up with... lol
Well my friend I respect you for not wanting to be rude. The truth is yes I've been involved in MILABS (Military Abductions) and ET abductions in my life.

There's a book that a friend of mine wrote called Agent Buried Alive by James Casbolt that documents some similar experiences in my life as in his. (It's available to read online) :peace:
I think NATO, USA, or another unknown super power has mastered electrohydradynamics and has been harvesting helium-3 from the dark side of the moon for 50+ years, because it is an excellent fuel source for ion-based engine. Any time a transport ship crashes accidentally, they cover it up and make up an even more ridiculous stories (little green martians!) I think we are a lot more advanced than we think. In the 50's the CIA used the b-2 spy plane to take pictures the equivalent to 3200 megapixel. And the software written for the apollo missions was hand-punched cards. Our intelligence doesn't seem so chronological. Hell, Vega was the second object in space to be photographed and that was in the 1800's. Anyone ever watched Vega travel through the sky? it does some pretty crazy shit. I didnt know starts oscillate and changed direction drastically. Also was not aware stars could dim to the point of not being visible, and at other times is the second brightest star in the universe - visible from Earth. take a look! its about a quarter turn to the left of the big dipper in the western sky close to 11:00

If you were truely abducted, I'm sure they or someone drugged you to not remember much, and the fact you remember at all is astonishing. TELL US MORE! DID YOU EVER SEEK THE ABDUCTION?
So i was high the other day thinking about aliens (typical tuesday), actually thats not something i spend too much time thinking about. But anyways, i was thinking, all the alien sightings ive ever heard all seem to have something in common.

All the alien sightings always seem to be relevant in size as humans.

I was just thinking about how big the universe is, and how the earth can fit in the sun however many times, and the sun can fit into some of the bigger stars however many times.

Wouldnt it be highly unlikely that if there were aliens, they would be anywhere near our size? Out of the hundreds, or thousands of aliens sightings, they always seem to be our size, like little marshan men, or ufo's that arent that much different in size than our own aircrafts.

As big as the universe is, what if theres aliens out there, who's brains are the size of this earth?

I'm surprised, that is a great point which I never considered.
It seems every living breathing creature on earth is shapped similar to this. the most far-from being any mollusk or sea cumber. Everything else is basically shaped like a human in one form or another. Think about dogs standing on their hind legs. Bunnies, ferrets, lizards. our neurological dna makeup is just a more advance composite/diet/lifestyle than more simplistic creatures. Earth alone has many. I'm sure there are plenty to be discovered in the uncharted skies, but it may be hundreds of years before we make contact. It takes 3 month to get to Jupiter with Ion-propulsion (currently the fastest space traveling engine, because of its ever growing charge, as it collects more and more particals and creates a vortex) up to 30,000 mph a hi-speed cruise and thats just the beginning. That kind of speed is incomprehendable on earth. Our atmospherical pressures would destroy any object at that speed from friction with atoms. But in space, if we travel with electromagnetics, we can instantly travel from planet to planet. Possibly with no way of stopping in time, and/or causing g-forces that far exceed the capabilities of the human body. Once we master this, we can focus on communicating with other planets. As of now, we are defenseless and have no means of defense from the potential ability for another planet to infuse atomic explosions into earth from galaxies away. We assume all life and existance is pro-life and non-destruction but we only say that because its been 60+ years since the last MAJOR war. Black pleague wiped out 73% of the european population. Whos to say that wasnt a population control in the form of disease from a higher being? fuck. we're the highest of them all..

I dont know about it being a space ship, but possibly showing us something we should focus on. unfortunately my telescope makes it look like a pulsating UFO on a crappy homevideo on some shitty youtube video. But it seems to react to extremely bright light signals...