A high thought about aliens

Well my friend I respect you for not wanting to be rude. The truth is yes I've been involved in MILABS (Military Abductions) and ET abductions in my life.

There's a book that a friend of mine wrote called Agent Buried Alive by James Casbolt that documents some similar experiences in my life as in his. (It's available to read online) :peace:

Well your a cool guy and its weird to me that your actually serious. Interesting is all I can say, I`m not sure if I belive aliens though but you do bring doubt :)
If anyones a little confused, all large masses in space have a naturally negative charge, but some have poles. Which might be associated with gravity altogether, no one truely knows.
to assume that there are no aliens is to assume that you believe every word of a particular religion. To consider the infinite immeasurable size of the universe, we can only assume that not only is there life in other galaxies/dimensions, but that it thrives. The law of existence is, if it can, it will. Somewhere. Come on guys, you wonder how bugs found your plants? theres more important plants for more advanced bugs to find.
there are so many things that are possible, but that we just CANNOT imagine! it's endless!

the universe is SO big, and so many planets unexplored (not only the planets we know, but SO many more that we have no idea about). It would be stupid to think that Earth, one lousy small planet, is the only planet that holds life!!

And you said that other species may use fire to survive of of, well yeah, that's possible, but we're talking about planets sooo very far a way in this MASSIVE universe, there could be 'substances' and many different things that we've never heard of, and work in ways we can't imagine. Since we don't know about it, it becomes impossible for us to imagine what it could be!

Great though btw.. maybe there are aliens that one day we will use as pets :) hahaha
we are most likely primates injected with alien DNA as an experimental project of theirs.

Jonblaze, that link is crazy. I've been to ft meade 50+ times for deliveries and never had a clue. also been in and out of ft.detrich hundreds of times, more specifically usamriid, where anthrax and smallpox are stored 500ft feet under ground
Its a very real possibility another species can travel at the speed of light and resembles what we call angels. These "angels" could have mixed their intelligence/complexion with that of a primate and viola. of coarse, just an absord theory.
some say people depict aliens similar to people because they are trying to predict the future of humans.

i don't believe or disbelieve. i dont think we have enough evidence to know the truth and what we do hear is all a load of crap.
some say people depict aliens similar to people because they are trying to predict the future of humans.

i don't believe or disbelieve. i dont think we have enough evidence to know the truth and what we do hear is all a load of crap.

Time Machines!
Given that our evolution is relative to the size of the earth and there are near infinite sizes of planets out there other alien life would be improbable of being within the size of life on this planet.

Big Bang!! ~ Here come the humans :lol:
ive also found it interesting that almost every animal has limbs and facial stuff that are in the same spots. mouth, nose, eyes and ears are usually in the same positions as humans, just moved around a bit to fit the animal better.

i like the idea of the electromagnet space ship, but i doubt it would work(for extra-solar voyages). even going the speed of light, it would take us generations to get to other planets. we would need a huge ship with an entire ecosystem in it with a bunch of people tending to it. then you have the problem of stopping the damn thing. what is there to push back with to stop? your only choice would be to go into a planet, which would kill everyone lol.
but, going the speed of light(or even close to it) seems impossible. at least at this point.
Given that our evolution is relative to the size of the earth and there are near infinite sizes of planets out there other alien life would be improbable of being within the size of life on this planet.

yeah but it would be very hard for life to start with such high gravity. especially if it started at the bottom of a liquid ocean(more pressure)

we need an astrophysicist and some biologists up in here
ive also found it interesting that almost every animal has limbs and facial stuff that are in the same spots. mouth, nose, eyes and ears are usually in the same positions as humans, just moved around a bit to fit the animal better.

i like the idea of the electromagnet space ship, but i doubt it would work(for extra-solar voyages). even going the speed of light, it would take us generations to get to other planets. we would need a huge ship with an entire ecosystem in it with a bunch of people tending to it. then you have the problem of stopping the damn thing. what is there to push back with to stop? your only choice would be to go into a planet, which would kill everyone lol.
but, going the speed of light(or even close to it) seems impossible. at least at this point.
i think we should attempt to land some ion motors on on a small suitable asteriod ( the japanese landed a probe on a comet recently)and slowly bring it into orbit around us where we can then bore into it, set it to spinnning, thus creating gravity thru centrifigal force, put a couple of nuclear reactors in it, arm it with nukes and missles and patrol the area around us for incoming asteriods...i went to meteor crater in arizona the other day and it drives home the fact that there is a monster up there with our name on it. if we do not act on the fact that we are on a very very delicate bubble that can be popped any day i think we will regret it as a spieces...and thats my stoned ramble for the day.
i think we should attempt to land some ion motors on on a small suitable asteriod ( the japanese landed a probe on a comet recently)and slowly bring it into orbit around us where we can then bore into it, set it to spinnning, thus creating gravity thru centrifigal force, put a couple of nuclear reactors in it, arm it with nukes and missles and patrol the area around us for incoming asteriods...i went to meteor crater in arizona the other day and it drives home the fact that there is a monster up there with our name on it. if we do not act on the fact that we are on a very very delicate bubble that can be popped any day i think we will regret it as a spieces...and thats my stoned ramble for the day.

while i agree with you, politically that would be impossible to achieve. people would think we would fuck it up and the asteroid would kill us, which is what we are trying to avoid.
meteors are a serious threat to our existence for sure.