A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

I doubt if these folks are going to go away and other provocations might keep it alive longer. These are people waiting and longing for organisation and leadership. Obama was a community organiser for a reason, they need internal guidelines, masks and tee shirts with social distancing messages to keep everybody spread out, it makes for large apparent crowd sizes too and positive drone footage, only protest in day time when the sun shines etc. Maybe take over parks and set up camps so they can stay there and don't bring sickness home to family, these are mostly young folks on the streets. Organisation is required for change and public safety, if they become a public health hazard they will lose the support of the 70+ who are concerned about it. This is a social fight in a free country and there are well known ways to fight such battles and win.
Protests Could Set Off Second Wave Of Coronavirus Infections | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Holy shit. Y'all on got your Derp State Soros checks already? Mines late.

Fix it for ya
They better worry more about Oprah and other outraged very wealthy black people, these are the people who can fund organisations and movements. They can buy masks with messages and tee shirts, pay talented and trained people to facilitate organisation, rent public spaces, etc They can operate a bit like the right too, only they would fund an actual grass roots movement and support other established organisations. Compared to their combined wealth a mere pittance could do a lot, then there are the white liberals... Organisation and leadership are the key, especially if ya got bucks at your back with a highly motivated base, they have all the ingredients and are on the right on the side of history.
Wow! I had no idea! I was a bit suspicious about all the people dying in my wife's hospital of COVID. They only looked mostly dead and some even looked like they were totally faking it. And all those crying families must have been actors paid by George Soros too!!! Thanks for all your well-researched information. I'm totally woke now.
You sound kind of disturbed when you say it like that, sicko. You're gonna have footage from people doing all sorts of human like things when you've got a publicity stunt virus you're trying to shock/mind control into believing exists because you want to destroy America: China in ww3, but yeah common corona virus bad everyone must wear a muzzle to breathe their own exhaust so they can think critically about how conspiracy theorists are bad people and that doctors are impervious to any wrongdoing they are frontline heros of space/time and ones knowing the knowledge of both good and evil.

Anyways, Where did the flu virus deaths go then? Why did the doctors admit that over 85% of the people who were labeled as covid deaths already have preexisting health conditions? Many of which whom were already severe enough to have caused the person's death anyhow.....

But yeah I'm guilty, let me feel shameful about a virus hoax that failed and those child sacrificing pedophiles who control everything they can just do their thing right, I'm the bad guy, not them can't you tell?:dunce:
You sound kind of disturbed when you say it like that, sicko. You're gonna have footage from people doing all sorts of human like things when you've got a publicity stunt virus you're trying to shock/mind control into believing exists because you want to destroy America: China in ww3, but yeah common corona virus bad everyone must wear a muzzle to breathe their own exhaust so they can think critically about how conspiracy theorists are bad people and that doctors are impervious to any wrongdoing they are frontline heros of space/time and ones knowing the knowledge of both good and evil.

Anyways, Where did the flu virus deaths go then? Why did the doctors admit that over 85% of the people who were labeled as covid deaths already have preexisting health conditions? Many of which whom were already severe enough to have caused the person's death anyhow.....

But yeah I'm guilty, let me feel shameful about a virus hoax that failed and those child sacrificing pedophiles who control everything they can just do their thing right, I'm the bad guy, not them can't you tell?:dunce:
What evidence would convince you that you are incorrect?

Because believing what you do, sure the world would look extremely scary, but you have been sold some interesting lies. I would love to know what websites/emails/facebook posts you read that made you think this stuff is real.

Or did you get handed one of those pamphlets from back in the day by some crazy dude that stinks when you were getting lunch one day?

Progress? You mean when we decided to let black people vote and be able to sit down on a bus? That’s not progress that’s being way fucking behind IMO.

actually, you decided nothing. segregation was ended through the court system and followed through by brave men and women of color through peaceful protest.
Anybody who took psych in the 70's know's about Maslow and the positive psychology movement. In looking up the motivational pyramid graphic I ran across this one that I thought might be useful, it goes into a little detail and explains it to others here. It's relevant because it's a hierarchy of needs and the basic needs of the people are going to increase, and perhaps the aspirational needs will decrease, on both sides. There are many ways to represent this paradigm of what drives people, but it tells a basic truth about human nature. The Trump people are fear driven and other than some of the greed driven (exceptions to every rule) are low down as far as "needs" go. This will also tell you what will drive people to the polls (and into the streets) for change.
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actually, you decided nothing. segregation was ended through the court system and followed through by brave men and women of color through peaceful protest.
Millions of people being exposed to intelligent thoughtful African Americans speaking very articulately on TV and in the media changed a lot of hearts and minds too. The devil is into the details and when people are exposed to them, the pigeon holes and categories fade away, but the basic conditioned fear remains, in the background. Even being a fan of a black athlete or musician has changed many hearts or made some think at least. Lynchings in the south became uncomfortable for the criminals when newspapers started printing the pictures, that some have posted here. Looking at such images or the recent video in the comfort and security of their own homes people were appalled and became enraged by what they saw with a calm objective mind. They were not caught up in the context and culture of the situation like those standing around the hanging black man, oblivious to the impact on the more decent and sane in the larger society.
Please, for your own sake fogdog don't try and discredit me any further, you've been told civil war was coming, what does it looks like is happening?

You've been pressing forth the shadow government covid hoax narrative for months now, do you not realize you're preaching for the same false narrative agenda that the Illuminati hoped you would get deceived by and then repeat, and then defend however your able with fake news stories from Media, China? The same fake agenda that is destroying America but yet you egotistically defend your brainwashed (feeble minded) CNN/Reuters/RT/Fox News reports for dear life, and discredit any outside opinions or thoughts that go against your own MK ULTRA mindless mantra you've willfully absorbed your whole boomer life as if it really matters what you say, look around online bitchute, YT, Zerohedge several other forums I visit, all saying the opposite of what's being said here, everyone else's is wrong though right fogdog, millions of people realising something's up, but oh what let's hear what Mr head in the sand fogdog thinks is really going on, yeah that would be smart wouldn't it........ :spew::clap:
Thank your navel for me for the references. It helps me understand where you are coming from. Zerohedge, huh?

I'd respond but talking to somebody's navel makes me feel uncomfortable.
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What's your objective? Everyone's bored out of their minds over the fake covid bullshit, it's not worth discussing any further it's over nothing happened to anyone, nobody noticed a change anywhere, no hospitals built in one week anywhere else, just decepticon China, no body falling over dead anywhere, literally nothing happening to one race more than another either, they said Asians where dying In the thousands but yet African Americans are the number one race it effects, where is the emergency hospital's necessary for Africans being built then? They aren't building one because the entire covid hoax was horseshit lies from the very beginning, it's all done to cause America to collapse and become a 3rd world power so that the UN can take over World governments and create a dystopian communist rule in America, to discipline our unruly free country Homeland and peoples of our rights as Human beings.

Oh and btw : Covid Hoax Failure

Nobody wants to listen to a bunch of child sacrificing demon worshipping drug addict pedophiles who drink adrenochrome to stay young and vibrant while turning their backs on humanity and God's commandments while torturing and ruining thousand and millions of innocent lives, nobody trusts them anymore, not the news, not the president, not Fauci, Not WHO, Not Oprah or any of those adrenochrome drinking celebrities who were all friends with Epstein, Gates and Trump the ring leaders to Child crimes beyond imagination and crimes against humanity, and cruel abuse of children worldwide.

But yeah I'm the one who should be told I'm silly for not being gullible enough to listen to a bunch of anti Human criminals of mass design, well good luck trying to get people to believe you because people aren't listening to that same old story anymore.o_O

Please, for your own sake fogdog don't try and discredit me any further, you've been told civil war was coming, what does it looks like is happening?

You've been pressing forth the shadow government covid hoax narrative for months now, do you not realize you're preaching for the same false narrative agenda that the Illuminati hoped you would get deceived by and then repeat, and then defend however your able with fake news stories from Media, China? The same fake agenda that is destroying America but yet you egotistically defend your brainwashed (feeble minded) CNN/Reuters/RT/Fox News reports for dear life, and discredit any outside opinions or thoughts that go against your own MK ULTRA mindless mantra you've willfully absorbed your whole boomer life as if it really matters what you say, look around online bitchute, YT, Zerohedge several other forums I visit, all saying the opposite of what's being said here, everyone else's is wrong though right fogdog, millions of people realising something's up, but oh what let's hear what Mr head in the sand fogdog thinks is really going on, yeah that would be smart wouldn't it........ :spew::clap:
Bitchute, YT, Zerohedge. Lolol
What evidence would convince you that you are incorrect?

Because believing what you do, sure the world would look extremely scary, but you have been sold some interesting lies. I would love to know what websites/emails/facebook posts you read that made you think this stuff is real.

Or did you get handed one of those pamphlets from back in the day by some crazy dude that stinks when you were getting lunch one day?


BitChute is a video hosting service founded in 2017. It was created to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforced on YouTube. The platform accommodates far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists. The Southern Poverty Law Center says the site hosts "hate-fueled material".

The crazies have their own content sites now. Some guy calling himself "Rob Monster". It has money and the businesses are consolidating under some corporation called Epik.

Quietly, a small domain registrar called Epik is cornering the market on websites where hate speech is thriving.
First, the company picked up the glitchy Twitter knockoff Gab after that site was deplatformed for its associations with October’s domestic terror attack at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, which left 11 people dead. Now, the company has picked up the business of BitChute, a low-rent YouTube clone that carries an array of hate-fueled material, including white nationalist podcasts, propaganda linked to a murderous neo-Nazi group and a parody song called “N----- Babies,” which chortles at the idea of slaughtering and then eating black infants.
“We have started the process of moving our domain names over to @epik,” BitChute noted in a Gab post Sunday. “Just to reassure everyone that our domain is not currently under attack or facing any issues with our current provider. This is purely because we would like to move to Epik after chatting to the owner Rob Monster we are confident we'll be in good hands.”