I dont think i'll be begging for that asshole back,its a damm good thing he didnt have another 4 years or he'd of ran up the national debt another 50 million billion trillion zillion ho-gillion dollars.
Experience in government is a bad thing in my eyes,all that comes with multiple decades of experience in goverment is they know how to rub elbows better,they also become numb to pork barrel spending & succumb to it as a way of life & accept it as the cost of doing business.
I think a small business owner who owns a damm Dairy Queen store would do a much better job as president than any of these politicians,atleast he'd have a firm understnding of good business pratices,something that most of the assholes who have ran our country in debt surely dont have.
I can see it all clearly now,8 years from now,the deficit will be cut in half,the recession will be over & americans will be living & working good again,then it'll all be thanks to george bush,it took 8 years for the decisions that he made to effect the country & had nothing to do with Obamah,isnt that what all the republicans said about Bill Clinton,that he wasnt responsible for the greatest economic boom the american worker experienced since the 1950's & it was really due to the decisions that bush senior made 4 years earlier