Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
hey man! nothin but the rents up. nah i'm good man just getting back into my stride. missing the $ big time
Thanks Bassman, I hope you are well too. I saw your garden in HC's thread, keep it up!
And Supa that is awkward, i have had strains "top" themselves before and i've seen a few. I just never understood why that happens. I always wondered if it was genetic, and if that trait could be bred out if it was useful. You know for scrog type growers where the plants genetically grow with the apical meristem splits and redirects the hormones on its own. it would be nice if it could be done, and be able to know when the plant will essentially top itself. Just some shit i think about i guess.
hope your feeling better today T. yeah the property management is a the biggest problem . they are supposed to give you 24 to 48 hours notice at least before entering unless its an emergency.. and they lie and make shit up all the time to enter. with me they said they needed to check the subflooring. what BS.. I hear them entering apts without notice around here. What you can do and should do is change your entry door lock. Have a back up plan in place in case you need to remove your girls. You got to have one trusted pal that will take your girls in an emergency until its safe to have them returned to you. Try to make your set-up easy to break down and store away. It seems the norm theses days not to meet your neighbors for months. I have gone years without meeting neighbors. life is so weird. are you in the hospital cuz you got in another fight? lol
Hope your feeling better man!
Nice lil 'field of dreams' you have there, KMoon! ATB!