A lil' help please

blazin n dazin

Active Member
So I need a little help..... What's going on. I have some thoughts but I want other opions...

Info: Plant is in the 10th week; 20 in tall now; Have bat guano and worm catsing... no other nutes (initially) I say that because I have added other nutrients to remedy my problems but they are not working : / Water it once a week ~ 8oz, again just using a bat guano/wormcasting liquid, spray the leaves when the lite goes out everyday with same liquid (2tsp:2tsp:24oz of H2O increasing the tsp every 2 weeks) Temp is cool between 72 and 90 I put my hand over my plant and it didn't burn me... humidty is at 34%; Do have CO2 (my creation :) )

I can't complicate this cuz i'll get lost so forgive me for my amatuer measuring and simple ingredients lol

I'm scared of adding too many nutes, over-watering,underwatering..... and everything else!!!!

I've looked around and read and I'm thinkin nitrogen deficiency... mayb???? Thoughts..... anyone

That last picture is on there cuz it came out pretty friggin good :clap: lol

Thanx for the help guys



Well-Known Member
your soil looks pretty wet

did you just water???????.....
i know plants can look like that if they get too much water

also id say your lights too far away

also if you combine the two your plant will definatelly get shabby

there ya go
all i can think of atm

apart from your usual maybe overkilling it with nutes theories and what not


Well-Known Member
I would say, underwatering, nute burn and light is a bit far away... also stay away from the 90-99 degree mark

blazin n dazin

Active Member
I would say, underwatering, nute burn and light is a bit far away... also stay away from the 90-99 degree mark

So I moved the plant up a bit; it is now 11-12'' from the light....

I got some purfied h2o that i am going to water the plant with for the next few days... soil is pretty dry according to the moisture meter

I'm thinkin watering it 8oz/day for the next week should bring soil moisture up and then go from there

I workin on my temps.... what's the coldest it could reach... Mine is dropping to 66 degrees with the lite off

Do I do anything for the nute burn other than reducing usage for now until plant health is restored????


Well-Known Member
Check your ph and make sure its ideal for soil plants............other than than lower your temp....humidity is fine......Good luck


Well-Known Member
maybe I missed some info... what light type, (CFL, HID)? What is light schedule? Looks like pic 3 is flowering, Shouldnt use shinny side of foil... Id reverse it to the dull side if you wanna keep it.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't use foil at all imo... And i wouldn't use that moistur tester either. best way to know when it's time to water ur plants is when u pick up the pot and it feels 'empty.' Water until there's a lill drainage from the bottom of the pot, Lift it up after watering as well so u get an idea of how heavy it is when its full, don't water again till it feels empty! Temps- should be between 70-80 degrees ( 76 is optimal) with the lights ON. Now when the lights go off, u wanna goo 10 degree drop in the temps, so if ur daytime temps are at 76, then at night 66 would be perfect. LUck.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you flushed your soil? if a while been a more than a month its time. Also 8 0z doesn't seem like enough for plants in week ten its gonna be suckin water...but different needs for different trees...and if your watering every time with nutes you should be just doing it everyother watering (remember a little less is always best)...I just made that up...and now you all can use it.

blazin n dazin

Active Member
When was the last time you flushed your soil? if a while been a more than a month its time. Also 8 0z doesn't seem like enough for plants in week ten its gonna be suckin water...but different needs for different trees...and if your watering every time with nutes you should be just doing it everyother watering (remember a little less is always best)...I just made that up...and now you all can use it.
I like it!!!

heres a few more pics... I need to flush the soil but i'm friggin scared imma fuck it up!!! I've been watering the plant for the past week everyday (8oz) no nutes cuz i was told that nute burn was apparent. I spray the plant in the morning with sparkling h2o again, no nutes.




Well-Known Member
I like it!!!

heres a few more pics... I need to flush the soil but i'm friggin scared imma fuck it up!!! I've been watering the plant for the past week everyday (8oz) no nutes cuz i was told that nute burn was apparent. I spray the plant in the morning with sparkling h2o again, no nutes.

Now that a few days have gone by how you lookin

blazin n dazin

Active Member
not much change... not getting worse, but i can't seem to get healthy leaves???? force flowering it due to space restriction :( shes still growin so should i just keep on at it... water it every 3 days now with pure h2o no nutes temp has been between 78 (lites out) and 86 (lites on) humidity is cool.

Whatcha think????



Well-Known Member
those leaf tips tell me a zinc def( but the way they point up says magnesium but if it were magnesium there would also be rust spots on the leaves but only slightly) either way the treatment is to flush and feed with a full fertilizer that contains both (they usually will both be present) but make sure to check. Oh yeah what are those white spots on your leaves?

blazin n dazin

Active Member
those leaf tips tell me a zinc def( but the way they point up says magnesium but if it were magnesium there would also be rust spots on the leaves but only slightly) either way the treatment is to flush and feed with a full fertilizer that contains both (they usually will both be present) but make sure to check. Oh yeah what are those white spots on your leaves?
so i gotta flush the soil.... i get that. what's the best/easiest way to do it??????


Well-Known Member
get em in the sink and depending on where you live and what kind of water comes out of the tap( if near an ocean dont even try it) but normally for flushing tap water is fine. Make sure there are plenty of holes on the bottom and that they aren't too big to let all your medium through...It is recommended that you use three times the amount of water as your container can hold ( 1 gallon pot flush with 3gallons of water. When im having a similar problem ill flush as i said and then give it a heavy does of the full fertilezer.

blazin n dazin

Active Member
get em in the sink and depending on where you live and what kind of water comes out of the tap( if near an ocean dont even try it) but normally for flushing tap water is fine. Make sure there are plenty of holes on the bottom and that they aren't too big to let all your medium through...It is recommended that you use three times the amount of water as your container can hold ( 1 gallon pot flush with 3gallons of water. When im having a similar problem ill flush as i said and then give it a heavy does of the full fertilezer.

Ok cool... imma give it a go today before i turn the lites back on. get back at cha with pics on thurs :) thanx for the help!!!!!!!