A link to Canadian Medical MJ recent news articles CBC


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys/gals...
Just thought I would shoot up a link to the CBC's take on recent happenings for Medical MJ
Most have probably read these or stories like them....
I found it some what weird the Peace naturals seems to be the resident expert on all things MJ....in Ontario. at least....
and when I read that they can use gamma radiation for remediation techniques and then submit for testing at which point they will either destroy the failing MJ or re-remediate (zap it again) and check to see if it passes.....before
moving it to the market....
I am beginning to liken the testing of MJ to be something like the national building code....
when something is up to code ...it really means that the job or materials have met a minimum standard only.
which in most cases barely passes... and is the lowest possible quality that will be accepted....
In most cases companies using regulatory practices, try their best to adhere to the minimum standards, since it is always the cheapest option to produce.
So read into that what you will.....but the bottom line is, I would not want any medical/pharm...products that are produced under this kind of scheme ...
wouldn't the best of the above example, be to have MMJ that has not been zapped in the first place and has no mold or bugs....and whose water source is clean and heavy metals free....
mmj produced clean and free of pesticides/herbicides, mmj done in small enough batch's to ensure any thing that gets out of control can easily be, fixed by destroying, said mmj,and the room cleaned and re-propagated ,
and done at a minimum of loss of revenue.for the grower.....but it should always be at the grower expense, as well and the err should never be in favor of money....over quality
I've been wondering whether they will test and post on a website that their stuff is pesticide/heavy metals free. The whole new program seems to be, so far, about handing sick people to corps for profit. I could be wrong though and would be happy to be so.

Here's the article he is referring to I believe.


Nobody wants gamma irradiated cannabis! This shouldn't even be allowed as a practice if you ask me. Gamma irradiation kills/alters terpenes and other cannabinoids, not to mention nobody really knows the long term effects of inhaling irradiated cannabis. Maybe if these corporate clowns knew how to grow they wouldn't fail testing.
Here's the article he is referring to I believe.


Nobody wants gamma irradiated cannabis! This shouldn't even be allowed as a practice if you ask me. Gamma irradiation kills/alters terpenes and other cannabinoids, not to mention nobody really knows the long term effects of inhaling irradiated cannabis. Maybe if these corporate clowns knew how to grow they wouldn't fail testing.
Thanks for the link,
I believe this is a step back. The meds are way more expensive than prescribe opiates/opiods. The govt/medical community is treating sick people like 5 yr olds.
Not the country i was born in (with respect to fairness and tolerance).
I could be, and hope, I'm wrong but doubt it.

peace bro
Here's the article he is referring to I believe.


Nobody wants gamma irradiated cannabis! This shouldn't even be allowed as a practice if you ask me. Gamma irradiation kills/alters terpenes and other cannabinoids, not to mention nobody really knows the long term effects of inhaling irradiated cannabis. Maybe if these corporate clowns knew how to grow they wouldn't fail testing.

Someone needs to put pressure to find out what has been irradiated and what hasn`t. For the patients sake.
They are all required to say what they do to their swag.

I doubt what any LP grows is safe by our own growing standards when it comes to pesticides, nutrients taste, and mold.
Who inspects what each LP grows and how often? Every shipment? Not a friggin chance in hell.
Its a perishable substance and it will go bad and people will end up with swag sooner or later. Just sayin. No one will say anything as most will not have a dam clue. It will take complaints to shut each down.
Hmmmm.?!?!?!...complaints... now there's an idea. :)
In My opinion it seems weird that using irradiation,on a product, that can and will be ingested...is the accepted practice....
Though, I'm no expert on food, maybe everything is done like this....?
They are all required to say what they do to their swag.

I doubt what any LP grows is safe by our own growing standards when it comes to pesticides, nutrients taste, and mold.
Who inspects what each LP grows and how often? Every shipment? Not a friggin chance in hell.
Its a perishable substance and it will go bad and people will end up with swag sooner or later. Just sayin. No one will say anything as most will not have a dam clue. It will take complaints to shut each down.
Hmmmm.?!?!?!...complaints... now there's an idea. :)

Why would you assume I care less than you?
I agree with you about small batches and destroying anything with the slightest possible problem, even mid production at any cost. I don`t accept the use of any pesticides of any form, registered or not. I believe in beginning clean with no pests, Same goes for every disease. Small rooms that are spotless even under a microscope. It isn`t that difficult to get it right when you have done it right repeatedly in the same environment.

A wise man said to me "Never complain about what you permit". If you keep buying unsatisfactory bud and keep going back for more someone should be complaining to you to stop buying more crap."
Sign up with more than one LP so you have a choice and try some send it back and dont go back for more.
Sorry man. Not assuming that at all....!!!

.....I didn't think I said anything that would make you think I meant you did not care.

If I did. I'm very sorry.
