All these are great. Id like to add a few cover plants & techniques for people like me, that grow fruits & veggies as well or perhaps you just dont have a bunch of money & u need a few inexpensive options.Tomato plants- Although these dont look "just like" mj plants they are awesome covers once grown & easy enough for the novice grower. A technique i like to use is to put the tomatos in hanging baskets. The mesh baggy things they market to grow tomatos upside down works too, but im cheap

If u place a mj plant under the tomato plants vines, enough to cover a good portion of your lady, ppl will look @ it & not be able to tell where the tomato plant ends & the mj begins. This also works with strawberry & blueberry plants. Around now all your fruit & veggie plantlets should be discounted @ the grocery stores. Strawberry & tomato plants can be bought for less than $1 & the seeds for just as cheap.Dill-dill is great for popcorn strains (dr. grinspoon would all but vanish behind a dill plant!) It also helps with odors.Mint- mints leaf structures are close enough but different enough to mask a mj plant. Easy to grow & the leaves release aromatic scents when agitated. (Mojitos anyone?) I wouldnt plant in the same container, mint grows viscously!Bamboo-here in the south bamboo grows wild most anywhere. It can be transplanted (spreads rapidly!) or chopped & used for stakes, privacy fences, etc. Young shoots with leaves & branches can be stuck down around your plant or into the same pot to give it a new facade.Mammoth Sunflowers-The seeds can be obtained from any Dollar General, Walmart or most grocery stores year round for less than a $1. They are supper easy to grow my 4 yr old started his in egg crates on a windowsill. They germinate in about a wk & grow pretty rapidly. They can reach from 8-12 ft. All of mine range from 3ft to 6ft or so. You can also build a "privacy fence" with these.Lavender-I grow true lavender in gallon pots & have them all over my garden/gro & yard. Almost as an aromatic precaution it helps to ensure that when the wind blows it smell fragrant, not pungent or skunky or like rotten fruit. (but all of those are gooooood smells lol)Wild flowers, shrubs & small trees-quite frankly a considerable bit of my garden (besides what ive planted from seed) consists of containers of various wild flowers &...weeds. Hosta's, ivys, honey suckle, azaleas, large orange flowers that grow to 4 or 5 ft. They help to add cover & other things to look @ quite frankly. I have ivy growing up a peice of scavengered lattice & underneath is a 5 ft (maybe larger?) lst'd monster & no one ever questioned it in almost half a year. Ive had neighbors stop to get veggies no one notices the 3 ladies & all of them are 4 ft +.I always use dark pots & a few cactus here & there wont hurt...or maybe they will, but thats the point. I totally endorse the hanging basket tech. Ive had people come right up to the tomato plant & not notice the mj plant underneath. (of course the tomato plant is about 6 ft long so it almost touches the ground from where its hanging but its all good). Garden stakes, shiny things & windmills. My son & i are recycling aluminum soda cans to make wind spinners etc... Some of these things may sound corny but you'd be surprised @ how long the most intellectual person would stare at windmills made of soda cans & be amazed, & not notice a 4 ft mj plant "stealthily" camo'd just a few ft away. I hope these tips help someone!!! Happy growing!