A little advice please....


New Member
First grow...
Northern Lights in foxfarm ocean forest soil 5 gallon pots. 600w hps and a ufo 90w LED. 3.5 weeks into flower. Using flora micro/flora grow/flora bloom general hydro nutes with some added blackstrap molasses. Water ph 6.3
Lower leaves yellowing with brown spots. Buds look fine. (See pics) thought I might be experiencing nute lock so I did a flush 2 days ago and added a very light nute solution with a little Epsom salt for M. But leeching seems to continue more now than in the photo...any thoughts?

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Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about those fertilizers but that looks like pretty classic nitrogen deficiency.

If the instructions for the fert are telling you to cut back on N I would be suspect.

Go back to feeding your veg mix. They need plenty of N right to the end.


Well-Known Member
You'll just have to work thru things until you narrow it down more. My initial questions would be:

1. First thought is the beginning of an Mg deficiency, especially with GH nutes. I'd up the Mg and continue use for a week. If it improves, that's your issue. If not, stop or slow down the Mg.

2. Next would be pot moisture. How often do you water? Does the medium dry out enough or not enough before watering? What kind of water do you use?

3. Next would be bugs? Anything flying around high or low? See any mites or critters under the leaves that look the worse?

4. Have you tested the run off water pH? This might be very telling? And day/night room temps with humidity?

That's a start with the more common problems.......keep us posted.


New Member
Let's see no bugs that I have seen. Day time temps average 78-82 fahrenheit night time temps 70-73. Humidity is at about 32%. It was running around 45-50% but guy at hydro store said to lower it during flower so I turned off the humidifier. Runoff water was checked during flush and came back at 5.3 ph out. (6.3 going in). I did add some Epsom salt to the last watering to increase magnesium. I water every 3 days or so. I check the soil with a moisture meter and water when it's pretty dry...Water is tap water that I bubble with an air stone for 24 hours before using to reduce chlorine and moderate temperature. (Comes out of tap at 55 degrees f). And it always comes out of the tap reading105 ppm.

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Well-Known Member
He could be right about the Nitrogen too.........especially since it starts low on the plant, where a N deficiency would be.

But for now, at least, raise your pH to 6.4 or 6.5 (I run my pro-mix at 6.5), and raise your water temps to 65-74 degrees going in.

Give the plants a good shot of N and see if they green up. I always have some high N bat shit or Old Age Grow ferts (12-6-6) just for this reason. High N organic that's quick acting.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree with AA, but if your watering PH is only 6.3, you're too low to pick up your Ca and Mg., so it could be that ALSO.


Active Member
First grow...
Northern Lights in foxfarm ocean forest soil 5 gallon pots. 600w hps and a ufo 90w LED. 3.5 weeks into flower. Using flora micro/flora grow/flora bloom general hydro nutes with some added blackstrap molasses. Water ph 6.3
Lower leaves yellowing with brown spots. Buds look fine. (See pics) thought I might be experiencing nute lock so I did a flush 2 days ago and added a very light nute solution with a little Epsom salt for M. But leeching seems to continue more now than in the photo...any thoughts?

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flora micro has all the N you need. No need for flora grow