A little Advice!!

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
I got these babies today.. I had some previous ones that died because I think the roots weren't developed enough or I burned them due to putting them in fox farm ocean forest... I just want to know do u think these are healthy enough to put into fox farm considering the soil is packed with nutes?? I don't want to burn these... Plus they have been under a fluorescent light and I have a 1000watt mh.... what should I due?? should I stick them directly under the 1000watt or how should I wean them to the light??? thanks any advice helps..



Well-Known Member
I you have a walmart around you, jus go and get the cheapest potting soil they have and use that. They are small, so their nute requirements are low. When they are bigger and healthier, repot them to the ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
Will the ocean forest kill them?
FFOF is all I've ever used. I dont do clones but from little seedlings on...Foxfarm and perlite, thats it. You dont want them to stretch too much but I'd be very careful not to get that 1000 watt too close early on until they get used to it.