a little help pls


Active Member
overwatering. I don't see much perlite either, what kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
I agree on watering. Water once really, really well...then wait for the soil to dry out before you water again. Plants like it better that way. Agree also that you need more pearlite...your pots aren't full of soil? Maybe make a mix with like 25% pearlite and fill them up all the way to the cotyledon (first) leaves.

But I think they look good and will grow fine.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
yeah and do you have a fan on it? that stalk should be stonger than that the plant it slouching. make sure the fan is gently blowing on them to help increase the strength of the stalk.


Ya i'd say overwatering, im trying my first grow and killed two already with overwatering, now i wait till its dry to water and she's flying


Well-Known Member
thank you all for the help, i am about to go to the market and buy some perlite, and do a transplant right now lol, dont want them to die, do you think its a good idea guys?

also buying a more powerfull fan


i wouldnt transplant it but try to dain some water out, i tried putting holes in the soil for mine but it didnt work. im a newbie so dont take my word for it


Well-Known Member
yea man, they need to form good roots before you transplant them or else you could really stress them or kill em if you're not really careful. i'm a newbie too, but yea ...its looks like perlite would help aereate the soil some - maybe the little taproot is suffocating? i dunno....good luck


Im wondering about doing a journal but its a low cost grow in a small spot and i dont think she'll make it, should i post pics and all that? its as basic as it can get lol


Well-Known Member
Hey whats going on man, my first seedling did the same thing yours is, except today mine was laid completely over, everyone says over watering but i had mine growing in rockwool, and the cube honestly seemed dry, i guess the lil ones are just really picky. I just potted her, growcube and all in some VERY VERY lightly moistened MG organic with 30% perlite mixed in. buried Her up to her first leaves, hoping in a day or two she perks back up.
heres what she looked like about 30 mins ago
View attachment 1673425


i dont know what to tell you fella, im using muti purpose compost, and i would have that with a little layer of soil over it and not water it for awhile... i really dont know what im doing not to mention giving advice :)


New Member
I was having issue with stem strength with fans and correct watering. A dehumidifier took care of it.. was 60-65 humidity now its 50 -55 and they seem to be strong like bull now.


Well-Known Member
maybe she's a bit dry?
Yeah i actually think she was a bit dry, i've got her in a dome in some moist soil right up to her leaves under a CFL. Right now theres no air blowing her around but once i move her back into the grow box theres plenty of airflow in there for the stem strength


i was told by my buddy to leave the fan on to keep the temp down but im using a sodium bulb and its really hot. I hope your baby makes it :)


Active Member
There are a few things that contribute to weak stems and stretching, but putting a fan on your plants doesn't fix any of them. It might help strengthen them, but it doesn't fix the underlying stresses (low light, overwatering, rootbound) If you want thick stems, your best bet is to add more light. I don't use a fan in my veg closet, stems are thick as fuck.

@OP, oddly enough, your plants will look the same exact way when they need water. Over and under watering looks the same.