A little idea about pollination


First post here, so I hope I manage to be useful, but beg your kindness if not.

I've been absorbing a huge amount of really good info that I have high hopes of getting to use sometime in the next year (WA resident, waiting for the negotiation of the aftermath of Initiative 502 as it applies to cultivation), but I think I've actually got something to add.

If I get the chance, I'd love to think in terms of preserving and working with genetics, and, of course, dealing carefully with males is step one there.

Videoman40 has a great post on collecting pollen, (from waaay back in 07 - imgs are broken now, but it's still good info) and there are many suggestions of how to apply it without turning an entire grow into a seeded mess. Many of these suggest isolating the pollinated branch with a plastic bag. This gets the jobs of isolation and light transmission done, but I'd think it creates a tremendous amount of humidity at the worst time for it and potential for rot. Further, your plants need gas exchange even if they manage not to catch a fungus. Poking holes has been suggested, but I'd think this only reduces the humidity so far, and that those holes are definitely gonna be big enough for the some stray pollen grains to puff out if the whole thing is agitated.

So, what about making a little enclosure of tyvek or hepa-filter material? - Breathable and specifically made to stop objects at the micrometer scale of pollen. I tried to search around and make sure no one was doing this, so I hope I've not repeated anyone else's innovation. The down side I suppose is a drop in light levels, but they're fairly light permeable materials, especially the hepa filters. Besides, we're not talking about top-colas you're looking for super productivity from, just enough light to keep the branch going, and get you some genetics preserved for posterity.

Just a thought. Can't test it myself as yet. :sad:

Would the light drop be too severe? Am I overestimating the danger of rot and need for gas exchange? Any and all thoughts welcome.


Oh, and to mitigate that light reduction drawback - a hybrid enclosure with at least the 'ceiling' made of see-thru plastic allowing good light penetration, but with a large portion of surface area comprising the tyvek/accordion-filter material for particulate-controlled gas & water-vapor exchange.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Sounds like its a good idea, don't see why it wouldn't work..
You're gonna have to do a test and share the info with us..


Thanks. And I'd love to be showing practice rather than just proposing theory, but my current situation doesn't allow. I won't drone here - explanation in my profile.