Well-Known Member
yeah yeah some of you might know i got busted by these fucking hardcore cops that are apparently all over everyone in this town
so anyways im on probation and i hadnt smoked in 5 days and i wastnereally expecting a drugs test on the first meeting so i smoked on halloween. anyways i wasnt expecting it so i drank like 5 big ass cool aid drinks full of water and didnt eat or drink anything for like 2 days.... so i pissed twice before going in and then drank a little cup from the PO to help me piss... the water hit my blatter instantly (a good sign considering thats the way it is when ur kidneys stop filtering your water. but i pissed so clear and was completly supprised it didnt have any color AT ALL. the piss i took when i first got there was pretty clear but a little green or something. so the PO was like you flushed ur system didnt you i said no and then she yelled YES YOU DID i took it smothly and pilitely responded "want me to go drink some soda" and she backed off emidiatly (i work them bitches lol) and she said im probibly not going to be able to get (i dont know what the sintific word is) from this piss. but i def drank about 32 ounces less than a gallon and im slightly overwieght so im kind of worried any input guys i went home and got high (no drug test for a month) and the only thing i could think about was me failing (im going to say i passes just to keep it posotive)... now im stressed and worried so what are you guyses experience just to give me some ease at mind.... like whats the least uve drank and passed. also whats the shortest amount of time u went without smoking and still passed thanks guys love ya one day itll be legal so lets be happy
so anyways im on probation and i hadnt smoked in 5 days and i wastnereally expecting a drugs test on the first meeting so i smoked on halloween. anyways i wasnt expecting it so i drank like 5 big ass cool aid drinks full of water and didnt eat or drink anything for like 2 days.... so i pissed twice before going in and then drank a little cup from the PO to help me piss... the water hit my blatter instantly (a good sign considering thats the way it is when ur kidneys stop filtering your water. but i pissed so clear and was completly supprised it didnt have any color AT ALL. the piss i took when i first got there was pretty clear but a little green or something. so the PO was like you flushed ur system didnt you i said no and then she yelled YES YOU DID i took it smothly and pilitely responded "want me to go drink some soda" and she backed off emidiatly (i work them bitches lol) and she said im probibly not going to be able to get (i dont know what the sintific word is) from this piss. but i def drank about 32 ounces less than a gallon and im slightly overwieght so im kind of worried any input guys i went home and got high (no drug test for a month) and the only thing i could think about was me failing (im going to say i passes just to keep it posotive)... now im stressed and worried so what are you guyses experience just to give me some ease at mind.... like whats the least uve drank and passed. also whats the shortest amount of time u went without smoking and still passed thanks guys love ya one day itll be legal so lets be happy