A Little Powdery Mildew Two Weeks Until Harvest...


Well-Known Member
I have been battling mildew for a little bit now, it was well under control but a few days ago I noticed on the buds of a few plants. I bought SuperNatural Soya'Nara... it's a mildew\pest spray. When is the best time to spray the buds... right before the lights go on I am guessing? I'm gonna go easy, the last thing I need is mold but do you guys spray this deep into flower?

The product itself is not harmful at all if smoked, it's basicly just soy bean oil but I am a little concerned about getting the plants wet. Supposedly this shit will kill the mildew within 24 hours though. Any experiences?

[email protected]

Active Member
Hi - I'm a newbie to indoor and I have the same concerns.

I am 98 % successful with neem oil but I am terrified that when I hang my stuff to dry in a dark place it will take overand there will be nothing I can do.

Have you found any info?????? you can email me direct at [email protected]


Well-Known Member
most important thing about controlling powder mildew is to increase the amount of air exchange and keep the humidity as near to 40% as possible.

sulphur based products will sort it, but will make your buds taste awful.

the best is probably pine oil, it is organic and biodegradable and sorts the problem with out affecting taste

But beware, you may think you have it licked, but mildew can infect plants for weeks without showing any signs of infection.

good luck


Active Member
we have plenty of air circulation going on and humidity is up right now ...still just found the stuff on my ladies and i'm a few weeks from harvest. should we try spraying with milk and if so, will it be a problem a couple of weeks out? we're in a progressive room with lots of circ, turing air over every 3 minutes. how can i get my humidity down with this kind of circ?


what causes powdery mildew? does it only happen with soil grows?


Active Member
Its seems every dam run i battle that dam powder shit mostely when ive used gravity so make dam sure you have a dehumid. and its set below 50 i use 40 around the clock last three weeks here in humboldt county we seem to get that shit no dam matter what due to the wet dam weather prefict temps here but wet i use a sulfer burner but i never ever use it after the first growth of budding cycle unless you like smokeing dam matches...I have and i know its sounds hella stupid and you like i may think it will sour or stick or just be shit but mild or water down milk works like a dam charm every time.If like now im close to havest 2 weeks or less and its on the top buds id say fuckit and spray them and hang them last dam thing you wont is mold bud.But im still up for answer myself dealing with this dam shit ive tryed about everything and i cant seem to get rid of it.So man happy growing man..:P
Its seems every dam run i battle that dam powder shit mostely when ive used gravity so make dam sure you have a dehumid. and its set below 50 i use 40 around the clock last three weeks here in humboldt county we seem to get that shit no dam matter what due to the wet dam weather prefict temps here but wet i use a sulfer burner but i never ever use it after the first growth of budding cycle unless you like smokeing dam matches...I have and i know its sounds hella stupid and you like i may think it will sour or stick or just be shit but mild or water down milk works like a dam charm every time.If like now im close to havest 2 weeks or less and its on the top buds id say fuckit and spray them and hang them last dam thing you wont is mold bud.But im still up for answer myself dealing with this dam shit ive tryed about everything and i cant seem to get rid of it.So man happy growing man..:P
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Well-Known Member
I also have probs with P.M. every so often. Not lately though. A good way to not get it is to do some PREVENTATIVE stuff, like using a sulfur spray once or twice in veg to make sure it doesnt take.

The problem with P.M. is, once you can see it, it's already IN your plants. It takes two weeks to become visible, and it is systemic, meaning the fibers go INTO the leaf tissue and actually start circulating through the plant. Only one thing kills P.M.

Well, one thing besides Sulfur....

Its called Serenade Spray, and it contains a fungus called Bacilis subtilis, or something like that. Anyway, it eats P.M., and you can use it up until harvest, I believe. And, the good thing about it is soon as it gets rid of the fungus, it dies off without hurting the plants.

Weed Daddy

Active Member
OK People, do NOT do any type of pest or mold control just before lights on... ALWAYS just before lights off !!! and this late in flower u might do sulphur burn, but i wouldnt spray anything on them the last 30 days.... good luck and keep growing !! Peace
I also have probs with P.M. every so often. Not lately though. A good way to not get it is to do some PREVENTATIVE stuff, like using a sulfur spray once or twice in veg to make sure it doesnt take.

The problem with P.M. is, once you can see it, it's already IN your plants. It takes two weeks to become visible, and it is systemic, meaning the fibers go INTO the leaf tissue and actually start circulating through the plant. Only one thing kills P.M.

Well, one thing besides Sulfur....

Its called Serenade Spray, and it contains a fungus called Bacilis subtilis, or something like that. Anyway, it eats P.M., and you can use it up until harvest, I believe. And, the good thing about it is soon as it gets rid of the fungus, it dies off without hurting the plants.
Awesome, thank you. I will certainly look into this. I am not 100% certain Potassium Bicarbonate isn't burning the shit out of my plants (not terribly, but making the tips look horrible).

I will check this stuff out.