a little respect for each other


Well-Known Member
i don't mind the noobs posting a pic of a plant with polen balls hanging all over the place asking if its a male or not, or is this yellowing nute burn or overwatering. just to double check their diagnosis. my first grow i lived in the FAQ section. i don't think a lot of folks even know there is a FAQ section on riu. do they not teach our children how to research their questions in school anymore?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i frequently see the "hey, i just wanted advice ok, i'm a newb i gotta learn!" well you asked a question, and while the initial answer is not the answer to your issue, it will sure as hell answer it if you actually follow the advice given. i was amazed at how good the FAQ was, i was expecting the stardard moderators thread of "this is the rules, etiquet, how weed grows, what you do and don't do" kind of FAQ you noramlly read, we've got us an encyclopedia here!


Active Member
i don't mind the noobs posting a pic of a plant with polen balls hanging all over the place asking if its a male or not, or is this yellowing nute burn or overwatering. just to double check their diagnosis. my first grow i lived in the FAQ section. i don't think a lot of folks even know there is a FAQ section on riu. do they not teach our children how to research their questions in school anymore?
Yes, they teach us how to research, but it seems like everyone ditched that portion of English class. How hard could it be to run a Google search? I research on Google at least once per day.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they teach us how to research, but it seems like everyone ditched that portion of English class. How hard could it be to run a Google search? I research on Google at least once per day.
i know right, if your plant has yellow leafs and curling tips just type the symptoms into google, it can answer any question. even if its not symptoms of a marijuana plant all plants go through the same things


Well-Known Member
]What most of you are forgetting is that a somewhat large percentage of ppl on this forum are high. Some are just kinda high, some are real high. It's what we do. Some do it for need, some for greed and some just because they can. I like this forum. I think there are lots of ppl trying to help and doing a great job of not getting pissed off at some pot head asking stupid questions. Then there are the asswipes that seem to get pissed for any reason. some hardly have a good word to say. These are the type that the mods should control and get the constant haters off line.

Lets face it, when you have a simple question reading the fag and lots of threads seems daunting to us stoners. If you don't like the noob assed questions move to a more grown up question and have fun. I agree that when ppl don't get their questions answered in the time they think is appropriate and get pissed, are chumps. The advice here is free and thus the service may be lacking. But we do have to remember that when your kids are suffering you will do anything to help them.


Well-Known Member
happens every year, when the youngens are out of school. nothing wrong with being young but you can tell who the younger riu people are.


Well-Known Member
ya well that kind of profiling pissed me off when i joined RIU. a hand full of people kept implying i was 15 for no reason other than i had joined that month and had less than 100 posts


Well-Known Member
sorry but i am being honest. u may not be underage but i bet i could tell u which ones of the new members are young. and young doesnt necessarily always mean 15. 2 pennies.


Well-Known Member
ya well that kind of profiling pissed me off when i joined RIU. a hand full of people kept implying i was 15 for no reason other than i had joined that month and had less than 100 posts
Why do people put so much on post count lol look at mine look how long I've been a member, this website is great for research.


I tell my kids that their teachers are wrong when they say there are no stupid questions. A stupid question is one you can answer for yourself. I signed up back in Feb and have spent months going through FAQs and threads. I have learned alot. I've been impressed with the help everyone offers, and the folks here in general have great attitudes (with a few negative karma generators here and there too).

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Hell, over half the questions asked, they could have easily went to google.
But they didnt, so i just answer and get on with my life..
No use in arugeing about it, aye?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sorry to say, but it's not like we're telling them to go and read google or the faq cover to cover, the faq/google is a knowledge base, the whole idea of the search feature was added to kind of encourage searching, due to how easy it becomes using said search function.. :)

i also think that it's mainly the vet's whoi're stoned, as tbey've got wed and money, lot of these post come from kids wanting free weed, who're refusing to even buy the correct bulbs for the job. if you can't even afford to set up your cabb, then don't try growing.