A little worm tea question


Well-Known Member
Ok nothing long winded , so I use worm leachate to bubble to make worm tea , does it make a difference if I use actual worm castings over worm leachate ? One being higher in microbial matter than the other ? As I just find it easy with the leachate as there aren’t any solid particles , does it really matter ?
Yes it matters, worm castings are what you want for aerobic teas and are much better. Leachates are anerobic. So bubbling leachate is useless (or close too) because its mainly anerobic microbes (bad) usually leachate should be dumped. Im sure there is small benefit but the cons outweigh them
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Worm leacheate contains anaerobic microbes but also contains soluble nutrients; it is not useless. Depends upon what you give the worms. It’s true though that worm castings are likely more active with microbes than the leacheate but plants do benefit from it. I give leacheate to the plants directly; no bubbling just dilute with water by at least half and give it to the plants. They love it!
For my teas I put straight EWC in without a bag. Bubble it for 24-48 hrs. And then pump it to my plants. I also removed the little filters in my pumps so the plants get a tea and top feed at the same time.