A lot of Questions. HELP.


OK hi folks, this is my first thread ever. I tried this on Grasscity.com but that forum is stupid and i couldn't post. so anyways.

I live in Australia (G'day mate)
And i'm about to grow outdoors. I'm hoping to grow in on my neibour's property. (farm land) Specifically in this cypress tree forest, bush land scrubby thing. My neibour rarely goes into this forest, because it is on a hill and is fairly difficult drive. To a random person, the tracks and roads would be very difficult to navigate. Im considering to places. One is in a gulley, surrounded by trees and very concealing bushes, but the spot is about 30 metres from a road, this road is used about once or twice a fortnight. The other spot is on a flat part of the hill, it is a far distance from any people or roads and is protected by trees, only. So hes a satellite images of the forest and the first spot. wat do you thinK??


If your neighbor is cool with it then it should be fine. Also keep in mind it needs to be a spot no one will have any reason to walk through for the whole grow season. All it can take is one person to see it you dont want to.


well, he doesnet care if i do or not, but he said if some one else finds it he'll tell the cops it was me. so lol its pretty hidden,

cancer survivor

Active Member
the first rule of outdoor growing is DONT TELL anybody about outdoor growing. also your grow spot needs good sunlight, cheak it morning noon and afternoon for direct sunlight . also is there water at site! your sat pix look ok. merry christmas