A Medicinal Refrigerator

Crazy....dude......to be honest I have no idea what mine is worth?? I mean it cost me less than $80 to build it the lights were another like $100, but i don't think its anywhere near the level of your fridge, so maybe $300-$400 for mine, but I could def. see yours goin for that, you've given me somethin to strive for on the next one!!! Thx
I'm just trying to get some opinions. I may start a small business selling "Recycled Tomato Fridges" :twisted:
I got the fans for the PC and the fan for the Deep Freeze ballast (love Newegg). I have to go get the Deep Freeze in the next couple days.:eyesmoke:
I'll get the PC done today, and flower mini-Matilda soon. Later
well Im a small business entreprenure also, so i may be able to help ya a bit here. Something like what you did there (which is freakin awesome) is hard to say because it is a pretty small market overall and very selective...and its kinda a "specialty item".......you can even see on this site, how much trust of the vendor is a huge thing in this game and influences the buyer...so it's kinda hard for a new guy to break out on the market especially on an international level.....but....i got a couple ideas......the first thing i would try, in attempt to asses a value is put one up on ebay..... i would set my reserve a couple hundies over cost so I can make a couple bucks or my effort if it sells and then see what she goes for.......i would make sure that I had really good photos and a description....If I had to guess a fair market value I would have to say.....if your doin the whole system with lights, ventalation.....ready to go.....round $2000 - $2500. I did some research for ya and if you order from the UK you can get some pretty good deals, here in the north things as much more expensive and US is kinda in the middle.....There stuff is goin right around the $2000.00 mark for a steath cabinet.....but what you did was a bit cooler and more functional and stealthlike, so I think you would get a bit more for it.....But test one out and see what happens its your best bet and then you'l know for sure! As for startin the business, ebay is great,,,but maybe you could message the head honcho here and strike up a sponsorship deal where you can talk about and advertise your fridges online here and have banners on the home page like Nirvana and Attitude and in return obviously you share a small percentage of your earning to the site.....which is a kinda cool symbiosis......the other thing I would think is to go to all the hydroponic:joint: stores around you and see if they would carry one for you on consignment and see if it moves and for how much.......best of luck.....if i can help in any way let me know!!

http://www.hg-hydroponics.co.uk/intermediate-grow-tent-package-631-p.asp Tent

http://www.hg-hydroponics.co.uk/large-stealth-grow-cabinet---complete-package-1671-p.asp Cab

http://www.bustan.ca/product_detail.asp?menuID=1&SID=118&PID=1190 Tent
I got the PC fans in with their fan grills on. I got the temp sensor hung with a piece of coat hanger (there is no end to the shit they can do:eyesmoke:) I put the sensor remote on the back with a screw then duct taped in so it can't move. I wound the cord up then zip-tied it in, then taped it too. The 2 fan power cords got wound, then zip-tied. There can't be any stress on any of the butt connections now.
I have both timers set for 6 am lights on with fans 15 ahead. Lights off midnight with fans an extra 15 for a 18/6 drop from 20/4. The fans are on separate power supplies so I can have exhaust/intake varied. I tested the temps after I was done. I think it would be OK, except the ambient temp was 80 in my bedroom to start and it hit 94 fairly quickly, then held there for at least a half hour, till I took the side off. I waited for it to get back to amb. then tried again. Same thing, went to about 12-14 over amb. then held there. I might have to keep it near the a/c vent on the floor. It was about 10 pm when I was testing it and the ambient of my bedroom isn't usually quite that hot. Mini-Matilda is responding well to the topping and I'll go to 16/8, then 14/10 real quickly now.

6-14 M.M. @ home.jpg6-14 Pavilion back.jpg6-14 Pavilion Intake.jpg6-14 Pavilion Exhaust.jpg6-14 Pavilion front.jpg6-14 Pavilion in room.jpg
have you ever taken temperature readings from your ballast??? if not, do you think you could do me the favor of taking a reading or 2? i am pondering some thoughts, and thats a figure I would like to figure into my pondering...:confused:bongsmilie:confused:bongsmilie:mrgreen:

edit: the remote ballast with the fan you built at the beginning of this!! That might help!
have you ever taken temperature readings from your ballast??? if not, do you think you could do me the favor of taking a reading or 2? i am pondering some thoughts, and thats a figure I would like to figure into my pondering...:confused:bongsmilie:confused:bongsmilie:mrgreen:
You mean the Fridge ballast right? It's in the load box w/ Timer and comp fan, so the outside never even feels warm at all. Hope that helps. Even the lead in wouldn't tell you much, cause the comp fan is wired with it.
On a side note I'm taking off to the other side of the state till Wend. or Thur. The Hippie Gardener will watch all the plants.:eyesmoke: When I get back after the 4th I have the Deep Freeze to pick up, and a buddy with a DSL company has a few old comps to pick from for a sexing chamber (or vegging). My B-day is the 15th and you guys can guess what I'll spend the $ from my Dad on. 34 years old and I have to redefine my life. I need to sell the house I own up there then it's a small-business for now. I got my name picked out, but I have to reg. stuff. I'll be on till 10am then I'll update from my laptop, but no pics till I get back.:weed:
The Medicinal Pavilion is going well. Mini-Matilda is looking great. The Medicinal Fridge is running smoothly too. Both have their air flow on constant now. I had a PM attack I battled with diluted Milk and Dyna-grow Pro-teKt. Here's some pics.
Daniels:eyesmoke:7-9 M.M. 005.jpg7-6 Queens Best.jpg
Matilda is looking great, maybe needs a lil closer to the lights though, looks a little stretched.

Glad you getting over the PM, I bet its a bitch.

I will post you a pic of my compaq server case, its 20"x8.5"x17", but she's a lil reduced due to light proofing. When I put in the 100watt CMH that beast is gonna roar! I'll get a cool tube pic too, I thinks its pretty cool!
I'm making a pair of dry boxes.
Coat Hangers of course. God I love them.
I'll use a 120mm fan for exhaust. I'm thinking around 50 CFM with a passive intake. Any advice on it's airflow?
DIY Dry Box Start.jpgDIY Dry Box Wired.jpgFan combo.jpgFan combo assembled.jpg
hey daniels, just wanting to show off a few pics of my PC! I still have to mount the CMH and ballast. I am putting the ballast in the power supply case with fan, and inside the case, i will set seedlings on top of the ballast case. if it creates to much heat I am going to turn the power supply around where it hangs out the back end of the PC!!!

in 100_4460.jpg, you can see a little of my 2 90 degree PVC elbows, this is the plumbing for my cooltube. a coleman lantern globe will connect to that with bulb inside, and then a stub of pvc out the other side for some heat mitigation. i am thinking by using the 2" pvc i can run smaller cfm, thus quiter, while maintaining good flow and suction and pressure. the 2 90's are barely let any light through. let me know what you think bro, i would appreciate it. I dont know if I will start a journal or not. so much work bongsmilie, and I enjoy following everyone elses journal too much to maintain my own!!!:mrgreen:
i havent fired it up yet. i am being real careful, i dont want to break the bulb fucking with it, ya know!! I bet it will be to. i am pretty sure temps wont be an issue with it, I hope I am right. it will be inside the AC'ed house. v12 can do, why not me??
Hey Guys,

Watching World Cup Finals and catching up with my buddies journal's! :)

Both your PC's look great, must be fun taking what you know and making it miniature! I keep wanting to throw anything I have into flower but getting my chamber ready has been slow going. :( My ADD keeps me busy with "other" projects but everything I do is still moving in the right direction, towards completion. Right now it's getting my electrical complete! I've had lot's of "bad" things happen to me recently (most recently my kidney stone, cut finger, issues at work, yada, yada). Running my electrical via extension cord and power strip with all the water I have around is just tempting fate a bit too much for my taste. ;)

Now to go troll on over to see the Two Queens!

Hey Guys,

Watching World Cup Finals and catching up with my buddies journal's! :)

Both your PC's look great, must be fun taking what you know and making it miniature! I keep wanting to throw anything I have into flower but getting my chamber ready has been slow going. :( My ADD keeps me busy with "other" projects but everything I do is still moving in the right direction, towards completion. Right now it's getting my electrical complete! I've had lot's of "bad" things happen to me recently (most recently my kidney stone, cut finger, issues at work, yada, yada). Running my electrical via extension cord and power strip with all the water I have around is just tempting fate a bit too much for my taste. ;)

Now to go troll on over to see the Two Queens!
Making things mini is fun. Good to hear your gonna get the Power lined out. You'll get it running soon.
:peace: I got a reply on Craigslist looking for free old comps. from the director for Computer 4 Kids:blsmoke: here in town. I'm sure they have some old ones they gutted:eyesmoke:
I'm scoping out portable AC units, 8000btu for under $100 on craigslist. None of them are 'ductable' but they all can take a jsgamber mod to fit a custom 'collecter' box with rigid foam and aluminum tape and direct it into my grow chambers.
Here's an update of what I got done today. I got the remote ballast with timer and 120 mm comp fan tested and the wires organized. It'll work great. Tons of air flow. I used a weird connector to the bulb to the keep confusion down.
I got the stuff I needed for the air system for the Cool Tube from Home Depot. I used aluminum foil tape and clamps after coating both ends with the foil. I made a bracket out of a coat hanger for the bulb.
I have a 4" sewer pipe for the main exhaust. I'm going down from the top where I'll make a carbon filter. It'll 90 at the bottom then out to where the compressor was. The another 90 then a fan. How's that sound?

Where did you get the Glass tube at? I saw there was a guy who says he got one from Michaels, but could not find one there..
Where did you get the Glass tube at? I saw there was a guy who says he got one from Michaels, but could not find one there..

I did. It's called Hurricane glass (you might have to ask). They also have the style that has the bulge in the middle too. I believe any reputable hobby store should carry it. You can also look at getting the Pyrex baking tubes. Those you get a any good mall kitchen store. And then there is alway e-bay. :)

I did. It's called Hurricane glass (you might have to ask). They also have the style that has the bulge in the middle too. I believe any reputable hobby store should carry it. You can also look at getting the Pyrex baking tubes. Those you get a any good mall kitchen store. And then there is alway e-bay. :)

I get the 5" sq. grate ? from yours and you get the Pyrex Bake a Round on mine? Nicely done.