Well-Known Member
didnt understand that ancient pothead
are you asking how to change the location where it saves the pictures? or how to take better pics with it? well hopefully you got one of Sony's memory cards. when i first got my 12 mega-pixel camera it seemed to take crappy pics too. but I found, and not to insult your intelligence by any means, that if I back out just far enough to focus good, and not zoom, but only use optical zoom cause digital zoom only distorts the pic and makes it grainy, then when you get it on your computer crop off all the junk. or, you can back up far, and zoom in until the focus and the picture is just what you want and snap. then the same thing as the previous method, put on the computer and crop out all the crap from the top and bottom which isnt needed. I like to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager in Office 2003 because the editing is simple and i have it, but thats me. hope that helped answer your question. it is a nice cam, and 7x optical zoom rocks for suck a teeny cam. now go get to snapping and show us what you got