Hey everyone!
It seems like I’m not getting any love anywhere else, so I got a question for you guys with a variety of grows under ya belts. I have a spore print of psilocybe galindoi var. truffle king n I wanted to know if any of you guys had any success with this species n how do I go about getting her started? I’ve read whole grain is good for truffles, so that’s basically where I’m starting at. Is there a vary in time you want 2 soak n cook these as compared to rye berries? Looking for any help or advice if possible. Thank you all in advance!
No idea. . . But if you want to grow truffles like i want to with my Mexicana . . .
Here is what I am going to try
1. Get a bunch of seed (the tiny seed in small bird seed mix that looks like rye just very small)
2. Get good strong filter coffee
3. Mix in 1l mason jar about 1 and a half cups of te seed and half a cup coffee and half a cup of water
4. Lid it (with injection port and filter) foil it and pc for 90min
5. Cooled jars injected with Mexicana and left for 3 months in a warm dark place
6. ???
7. Profit