Well i hate to brake it to you, but these are not the only people trying to get people to understand. There are scientists all over the world, trying to get the human civilization to change there ways..but i think we have gone to fare and not enough people give a rats ass. Everyone is just hoping that they can live there lives in happiness and not worry about what our future generations are going to go threw..and this is why i don't want to have children..and people high up in this world, im sure are happy about what is happening..in there eyes, there are too many people in this world, and mother nature just plans on cleaning up for them...i dunno, who knows...it just saddens me, i wish people would wake the fuck up...and i think that most people have an idea of whats going on, and how our world is diminishing, but just like me, i can't just stop driving my truck, or using electricity, or throwing away garbage, or feeding my plants with tons of water, or anything else that doesn't come to this world unaturally...people think that the next war is going to be over water...fucking water!!! And the sad thing is, is that i think so too....anyways, enough ranting...from the dirty five thirty huh?? Auburn or p ville??