a Mix betwween OG and Chockolpe......LORD OF THE RINGS HAS A FLAW


Well-Known Member
ok the ring is in the firey pit.......GIANT EAGLES COME TO SAVE SAM AND FRODO....why the fuck didnt they just fly em there in first fucking place and save all the bullshit and a years worth of pain...........Frodo back of eagle.....eagle flys over mount doom.....frodo drops ring everyone lives happy ever after and More time for Pipe Weed..............just my thoughts..........your milage may differ


Well-Known Member
I always thought the same thing. But with Sauron dead (before ring drop) all his crazy ass flying minions would have stomped the eagles. Thus his death allowed them safe passage? I dunno... I'm high.


Well-Known Member
Ok I see your point but there were only 9 ringwraiths with 9 flying semi dragons........and HUNDREDS OF EAGLES......just fly like hell and confuse the semi dragons and one eagle go for a long pass...............IM stoned too


Well-Known Member
I didn't know there were only 9 semi-dragons. I thought he had more, ok you win. hrmm. Good point...


Well-Known Member
Oh, and it was because Sauron had anti-aircraft missles or something... *I must be stoned*


Well-Known Member
I think J R R Tolkien was a stoner when he wrote the book and goofed up he got to the part about eagles droping ring and took a hit and started thinking about Frodo at the shire and got side tracked and just wrote till he ran out of bud

ya know how stoners can get lost in convo right in mid sentence and be off on another tangent or stare at the paint...yea thats what happened

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Why didn't this happen? Who knows. Just like scary movies....they aren't in 79...use your fucking cell phone and why are you just leaving your doors unlocked when there are people being murdered...do you not own a gun?....ugh. Scary movies are the worst.

The eagles were just large creatures. The dragons breathed fire and the ring dudes did some serious killing with their own shit. Plus sauron being able to sense the ring etc. His one eye woulda grew one arm and he woulda gotten the interception.


Active Member
J R R was a genius. I believe those books were written, kind of like Revalations. Like a timeline and the ending is where Good conquers evil. And I was reallllly high when I was watching these movies and that just kind of dawned on me. If you know anything about how things are supposed to go down, I suggest sitting with a few joints and watching them all over again, and just watch the pieces fall into place.


Well-Known Member
Ive read teh books probley 25 times each.....started back in 64 with the bootleg copies (i still have my bootleg copie)then JRR fineally published in uSA. I was just being funny........about the eagle thing......I Love the books....movie was ok but took to much freedom tochange a few key points.......but all in all they did ok with the movie....was great to see some things in action instead of imagination......over all The movie was good.....but books 100 times more fun to read...you reallly get caught up in it.......