Yesterday, at a reasonably sociable time of 10am, the finest of British law enforcement came knocking.
Farewell to the four plants I had nurtured from their early cutting-hood up till 2 weeks shy of a crop.
I am off to the police station for a formal slap on the wrist. The copper in charge was a reasonable chap and said I would be looking at a caution.
The good news is that I know it was, for 100% sure, it was my neighbour who grassed - because the dumb ass told me, believe it or not. Now what dish is best served cold?????
Take care out there all you growers.
Farewell to the four plants I had nurtured from their early cutting-hood up till 2 weeks shy of a crop.
I am off to the police station for a formal slap on the wrist. The copper in charge was a reasonable chap and said I would be looking at a caution.
The good news is that I know it was, for 100% sure, it was my neighbour who grassed - because the dumb ass told me, believe it or not. Now what dish is best served cold?????
Take care out there all you growers.