A moment of Silence in rememberence of 9/11....


Well-Known Member
Also that post you quoted was directed at someone who WAS trolling. It didn't mean I was trolling. Maybe you should resign as moderator if you can't distinguish between the two
I'll resign as a moderator as soon as you resign from being ignorant.


New Member
So you just wanted to throw someone's thread off topic? You couldn't find another thread? The events of September 11, 2001 will forever change America. This was a day that brought us together as a nation. Many innocent lives were lost. Heroes were born on that day. For you to think it's funny to troll up a thread remembering that day, is wrong on so many levels. Karma can be a real motherfucker. I wish nothing but the absolute worst wishes for you in everything you do.
no you're wrong, I made a simple post that should have been ignored, yet people keep bringing it up and pushing the thread away even farther. So stop talking about me and start bitching about a-rabs and world trade center


Well-Known Member
they see me trollin..... They hatin'.... That is one of your posts from right here in toke and talk. What are you one of those little guys that spent his school years gettin beat up for your lunch money and now you think you can be an internet tough ass?
be carefull--


Ursus marijanus
umm ... tiny suggestion here ... can we all please ignore the attention slut and return this thread to its original awesome vibe? Thanks,

<edit> I'm a minute late. gopherbuddah is way ahead of me...


Active Member
wow so you're trying to be a tough guy muderer, what if I did do it, left this page open, police got a warrant on RIU's server, found your IP and then charged you for murder? Don't think that it couldn't happen cause it does happen
Yeah, if they went through all that trouble over an overdose.... That would be retarded... Even if they did, and they saw what you said, I can promise you they would feel a sense of relief that you were no longer part of this country, or world for that matter! So DO IT! Fuck off!!


Well-Known Member
Well said, I'd like Ito add, not to forget the soldiers overseas that have died as a result of those attacks. True heroes!!

This is true as well.. thank you for adding that.

I tend to forget things when I make a post right after I wake up in the morning.. forget to add certain and important parts.

That was my bad..



Well-Known Member
meh its not my day of remembrance. And its probably true
While your entitled to your own opinion.. as we all are, I would greatly appreciate it if you wouldn't come in here with the negative attitude.

Especially in a thread made to honor ALL those people that died and even the ones that didn't, the ones that saved other people.

But, hey.. its alright. I believe in Karma.. and, one day.. it'll come your way my friend. When you least expect it.. ;)


Well-Known Member
I actually watched that episode of 'CT' with Jesse Ventura..

was a good episode.
I watched half of it with a friend. There was some information in there I hadn't heard before. Like all that money that went missing from the Pentagon before 9/11, I hadn't heard that.


Well-Known Member
I watched half of it with a friend. There was some information in there I hadn't heard before. Like all that money that went missing from the Pentagon before 9/11, I hadn't heard that.


you know, we can bicker back and forth.. sit here and debate the thought that America itself had something to do with the attacks on 9/11.. but when its all said and done, there's nothing we can do about it now. The only thing we COULD do, if we could ever prove that certain members of our own government were in fact involved in the attacks.. is hold them responsible and charge them with mass murder(s). It still wouldn't change the fact that the attacks happened.. but it would certainly bring peace to those families and or people that were directly effected by the attack.

It's unfortunate, but... it is what it is you know?

I wish I could take that day back.. and heal every soul that died or was directly effected by the attacks that day.. and bring peace back to this country.. but I can't. I wish, I wish... I wish..


Well-Known Member
This should help debunk some of the pentagon conspiracy ideas [video=youtube;YVDdjLQkUV8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDdjLQkUV8[/video]