A moment of your time if you will


Well-Known Member
By the way they are looking fine business. Nice and green and sturdy. Keep up the good work.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
what you mean by rep bro?
you can add (or takeaway) from someone's rep by clicking on the image on the top right of each post (looks like scales).

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Active Member
Everyone looks much happier now i got them real sized pots. I've also got the 600w HPS on the go.

What does anyone think about me starting to flower in the next few days? I've got a bit of a problem cause i am studying and have to go home for christmas. So i think this strain has a 6 week flowering period, anyone think its too soon and i'd be makin a mistake?



Well-Known Member
You could start that plant anytime, it looks great.

I think the 6 week flowering will probably not be enough though, especially in soil. Remember the last couple of weeks is when the most goodies are made during flowering, as much as 1/4 the total harvest and potency is put on at that time.


Active Member
well i have about 8 weeks now until xmas, so geuss i should get going. That is the most healthy looking plant but the others arn't far behind. Also am i correct in thinking i should expect a good amound more growth once they begin to flower?


Well-Known Member
They will probably double or more in height in the first 3-4 weeks, then they should slow down and stop vertical growth.


Active Member

I keep burning them :( but i think they will survive ! They've pretty much all sexed now, so i'm gonna take the males out in a min..

Got me rips ready. :)


Active Member

So since my last post i've started budding, sexed the plants and f***ed loads of stuff up.:) yay. First FIVE plants where boys! leaving me one pretty weedy (excuse the pun) indica and the big sativa. The indica starting budding quick, and did't grow much the sativa took a while, and got HUGE! (compared to the other one anyway!)

Cor this growing malarky is hard work! So, I've been really busy recently and i've left my flatmate in charge sorta and as all the timers seem to be bust the lighting cycles gone a bit skew wiff. ~~~~ I think this has caused the plants to stop budding, or just stop gorwing at all, or it could be the cold, or it could be the tiny pots, allthough i thing that would only affect the big guy.

SO i'm sorry if that didn't make much sense, i geuss i just want some reassurence, will they start budding again? its gonna take a while i'm sure and also should i re pot the big guy? All advice would be most welcome !


Well-Known Member
They're curling down for future reference. It's caused by too much nutrients. Give it a flush with just water if it's not caused by nutrient containing soil like miracle grow. You gave them (it) too much food, back off next time.


Well-Known Member
i have a few guesses. One is that your plant might be close to the end of flowering and its sucking the nutes out of the fan leaves. 2 your plant isn't close to being done but dosn't have enough nutes and is pulling them out of the fan leaves or you have given them to much nutes or a multitude of other deficiencys or toxicitys i know this dosn't help im sorry lol but for a first grow this is 10 times more successfull then mine don't take my comments as insults atleast your going to get a yield out of this. the indica is impressive but the sativa is so stretched which i am sure you have heard a million times. something to consider for your next grow is a 400 watt MH /HPS u can get refurbished ones for around 125$ shipped search insidesun on google they have alot of cheap good quality grow euipment which will increase your yield and over all plant health astronomicly


Active Member
argg really appreciate it guys, but your advice is pretty much directly opposite. I havn't been feedng them anything special, some all purpose grow feed, i didn't think i gave them that much at all, but maybe i have been over watering, meaning too many nutes too ( as i mix it in with the watering water). Perhaps i need a dfferent nute, i was planning on getting something with some elements to help the buddng, also its been really cold here recently, i geuss that don't help!


Well-Known Member
oh its cold that would have a similar effect. also if you havn't already you should definitly red the grow FAQ on this forum its great