a n00b flowering for the first time, needing advice.


Hey everyone, I am new to this thing and have a question. I started 3 seeds in mid august, one came out weird as documented in an earlier thread, so I killed it. The other two turned out to be healthy females and they're flowering now, been in 12/12 for 2 weeks. I just gave them some high phosphorous bat guano and they're loving it. I think the seeds I got came from some unstable hybrids breeding or something, I know they were accidents. I named one A and one B (creative, I know) and I thought B would turn out better because it just looks nicer as a plant, bushier, longer branches. A seems like the same sort of plant but it doesn't branch out as munch. It also appears to have more crystals and slightly bigger buds. I know it's early to tell and I'll probably wait until I smoke them to decide, but do you think I should just keep cloning both of them or just use one? I have 6 clones of each right now which is more than I need. Space is a concern so I think A might be the one I choose to keep, but is there a benefit do you think from keeping both strains going? Also, I don't want to count my weed before it hatches, but what do you think I might be able to harvest from these two?

The first picture is both of them, A on the left and B on the right. People seemed to thing the curled tips on A were because of too much heat or nitrogen, but the clones seem to do the same thing and they're all in pretty neutral promix and perlite now. The next two are close ups of A, then the next 2 are B, and the last is one of the two tomato plants I put near the edge of the veg lights just because. They're doing kind of awesome, I just got my first little toes.



Active Member
Iwhould keep both atleast till u sample each of them who knows thay say runt of the litter is usly the best dog dnt know whr thay get that never was true for me but hay dont know witch is best till after the test


You think it might just be a couple days behind? I don't see why it would be but I guess it's possible.


Well-Known Member
With limited growing space, there would be no reason to maintain both lines of clones *unless* they were totally different and each offered something unique that you really felt was worth keeping.

But if both plants came from similar seeds, that's unlikely to be true.

I suggest keeping the clones alive until you've grown both plants to completion and sampled both. At that point keep the clones from the better of the two plants and discard the others.


Looking good! Being new, don't try to over think the nutes. Less is more. Some leaf curling, and some discoloration is ok.

Keep it up!


So I was planning to put 4 plants in there eventually. I have two more that are big enough to start flowering but the first two got pretty bushy. I could fit the pots in there but is it worth crowding plants in there? I guess what I'm asking is like, will 4 plants just end up growing smaller if in a confined space and produce the same thing as 2 or 3 plants that get bigger? It's just one of those uhaul wardrobe boxes that's 2x2x4.


So I was planning to put 4 plants in there eventually. I have two more that are big enough to start flowering but the first two got pretty bushy. I could fit the pots in there but is it worth crowding plants in there? I guess what I'm asking is like, will 4 plants just end up growing smaller if in a confined space and produce the same thing as 2 or 3 plants that get bigger? It's just one of those uhaul wardrobe boxes that's 2x2x4.
That question has been debated for ever... I'm trying to picture how 1 would fit...? 2 x 2 length and width?


Well-Known Member
If time isn't a huge issue, one or a couple really big plants are always better than a few small ones. Not to mention it's A LOT less work. When I first started out, I'd do a lot of plants. But that was mainly because I was still learning and wanted a safety net in case one or a couple plants all of a sudden went south on me. Now that I'm a little better and have things dialed in, 2 or 3 plants is all I ever plan to do. Plus, If someone who shouldn't comes around, I'd much rather there be one huge plant versus 10 smaller ones. Even if the one plant has 100 times more plant material on it.

Let's face it, the phrase "one plant weighing 100 grams" sounds WAY better in "certian" situations than "one hundred plants weighing 1 gram each".