A New Grower Who Needs Alittle Help.

Well my plants ain't looking to bad for having it for 3 days. I had a question though? I was wondering at what temp would it be safe to keep the plants out under because I keep them outside one in a big ass pot and 2 others in 2 different paint gallons. I take em outside around 8 am when the sun starts to pop out hard and then i bring them back inside around 5-6ish pm. Problem is it has been around 92-96 degrees lately and I don't want to kill my plants because I leave em outside while the soil is moist but when i bring them back inside at the end of the day the soil is dry . Im also thinking of going today and switch my soil from MG to fox farm or better and buy a ph tester. Anyways any tips/advice would help. Thank You in advance


Active Member
when you bring them inside do you put them under light?
mj is real resilient and adaptable but it cant adapt from going inside to like 75 degrees and then going outside to 95. its too big of a change. if they seems to be fine then kick-ass...i would say watch for signs of over heating. maybe put a fan on them outside?lol
thanks for the advice. Damn I guess I'm beating the shit out of them then because I just bring them from outside to the inside with no light.(I have to remove a cabinet inside my closet and I think I'm going to put them in there. What type of lighting should I use because now I'm thinking of going to the store and buying one now lol


Active Member
cfls are deffinatley ur best bet. i would say get 3 giant ones or 6 smaller 26watts. and a couple of y-splitters so u dont have to buy a bunch of lamps. you want 2700k for flowering and 6500k for vegging...or the other way around...either way you want both.redder spectrum for flowering bluer for vegging.
that help or do you want some more info?