thanks guys
i hope to get 2 ounces off each (hopeful), but really im happy with anything
keep in mind " Shovel Man", that you beloved girls are roughly 70% water! It can be a real visual letdown by the time everything is cured & dried!
As for yellowing leaf action, that is natural! It could be different where you folks are. But if I keep dosing my plants with 'nitro',it's gonna throw the plants back into vegetative grow state. Plus, even living in a semi tropical climate(Hawaii), and in the rainforrest too. Things still tend to yellow at certain times of year, and if you are standing out like "Dog's balls" because your shit is green and everything around it is either brown or yellow because of the time of season. Well, that's not gonna be very cool at all! I live in an almost perfect climate & atmosphere. I live in lower Puna at sea level. Perfect for growing plants, hot with beach like weather, but with that semi tropical eastside rain thing going on too. By keeping your plants pretty much the same color as the surrounding other growing plants you increase their chance of survival.