A new start, a new beginning for Orange Shovel's Outdoor Season '08

yea i jus went back to read what i wrote and yea it didnt make sense at all.srry bout that

dont worry about it, i think that being close to other plants will cool them off, so i decided to do it anyways. I also am thinking about watering 3 times a week instead of 2 like right now. I double bucketed one of the two females with a leftover bucket.

Thx for the info Orange , yeah i was just wanting to get more light to spots is all . Still waiting on my Fox Farm 3 kit ..... Good Luck yall

No prob. Let me know how the fox farm kit goes. Good luck to u as well
i headed to the site again, and theyre looking great. They love the new fertilizer and molasses that I gave them last time. I decided to also boost the girls, and...guys with some fish fertilizer. Since i dont really care if the males will die, i decided to do a little experiment to gain some knowledge. I put 3 caps of fish fertilizer in the water of the two males that i have confirmed, and put 1.5 in the caps of the females. i want to come back next time and see if there is a difference, or if the males have been overferted. Anyways, thanks for reading...here are the pics:

First pic: this one is the oldest/biggest female in her new location. She has definitely perked up from last watering:


Girl from the top:


Possible male getting some sun:


Crazy salamander under the bucket:


Down low shot:


Practicing supercropping on biggest male:

lol geico insures ur plants ?! i wish i had some crazy lizard in mine .. i have some baby toads tho lol they are kickass ... and a baby deer (fucker) .. well its good to have plants u dont care about .. and ive been trying things with other plants around the home lol .. i topped some .. but anyway looks great and just make sure the males are dead before pollen is made lol
lol geico insures ur plants ?! i wish i had some crazy lizard in mine .. i have some baby toads tho lol they are kickass ... and a baby deer (fucker) .. well its good to have plants u dont care about .. and ive been trying things with other plants around the home lol .. i topped some .. but anyway looks great and just make sure the males are dead before pollen is made lol

yup, fully insured :mrgreen: yea i plan on killing them next visit. lol you topped a plant at ur house?
looking very nice! but i have a question
what do u mean by super cropping on your biggest male? im guessing it has something to do with the broken branches?
hey orange i got about 10 seeds germed and put into soil today :D ... those seeds germed fairly quick .. all my mature (dark healthy seeds) germed .. i was happy ... but pics will be going up monday and i hope they will have sprouted by then
that wasn't a salamander. it was a bluetailed skink and it's guts are squirting out it's mouth and ass. looks like he got squashed.
oh ok.. im from eastcoast and the only thing we have that looks like that are salamanders or newts. I didnt see the guts..lol
i knew it wasnt a salamander ... and i hoping that it wasnt guts lol .... yeah salamanders need wet areas.. wouldnt last 30 minutes where orange was .. since their skin needs to be wet constantly
haha yea, i noticed that after the pic was taken. i guess i lifted the bucket and put it back down, then it got squished. i assumed it was a salamander because when i first saw it the ground under the pot was soaked...perfect for a salamander habitat
yeah every salamander or newt ive seen here was in a wet log or under a rock. looking at that pic now i can see its dry and scaley
well i went to the site to water and decided the pods on the males were getting too big to allow them to grow anymore. I killed 3 of 5 the plants, hung them in a nearby tree and felt a surge of sorrow as i did this. I really have become attached to these. My biggest one was about 4 feet, and it looked gorgeous. As they were hanging in the tree, i whispered outloud "i grew you guys from seeds, im proud" I will miss you guys...it was a pleasure.
orange i know the feeling .. especially when ur plants are doing so WELL! .. fyi .. i went to my spot today and the growth was AMAZING! i was like wow .. all my plant's extra tops EXPLODED with growth .. ill put some pics on tomorrow ... superb .. it made me happy .. but only if they were all females...