a newbie from Venezuela


Hi everyone. Time have past since I sign up in rollitup. I was waiting for my girl friend to lendme her camera to post my introducction but she hates my plants and refuse to do it so I ain`t be able to take some pictures to my first grow.

I always find some good information in this place. Thanks to you all.

Roy from Caracas/Venezuela.


Hey peace to you too. You know I'm in the third world and here it`s almost imposible to get some good quality seeds. So almost 4 months a go I bought a really expensive and good weed (it had these orange hairs and a nice aroma) and it brought some seeds. Thats all that I can say about the strain of my grow. I hope this weekend I can take some pictures of it. If I do so, I'll tell you. Right now I am decreasing the amount of hours of light in inervals of 30min (because of my light timer) I started 18/6, 3 months a go and now I'm 15/9 in order to in the next 6 days I finally put them in the holy 12/12.

I hope soon I can show you all some pictures.