a nice set-up


Well-Known Member
seems like it would be stressful to constantly putting out energy to grow. i could be wrong but i'm not. :)

humble learner

Well-Known Member
Looks real nice, did I miss what kinda strain they are or did I forget?

Also, it seems like when you run lights 24/0 and you over feed or over water(or anything that is unhealthy for a plant) they take more time to fix the problem. For me it seems that way and when I first started I ran 24/0(don't believe everything you read) and when I changed it to 18/6 I could tell that the plants really enjoyed the dark time and it helped them grow healthier.


Well-Known Member
Your setup is awesome. I am running 4 plants under 1000W HPS. I am shooting for 125g - 150g per plant. I will be watching this grow. I look forward to the huge buds.


Well-Known Member
no one cares about grow rooms anymore? :cry:

this room is very nice. i am jealous and i want one just like it. :mrgreen:

IMG_7868.jpg IMG_7865.jpg IMG_7866.jpg IMG_7879.jpg


Well-Known Member
Im interested in some consultation since Im starting to design my grow room. Im going to start with a 10X12 foot wood building with insulation and drywall. I have been following the vent setup and was wondering what size/type blowers are those hooked up to the lights? I didnt know what you meant about the ducting preventing light leaks but it looks like there is a outer duckting (flexable) over another smaller ducting, thus preventing light from traveling to the outside through the ducting?

In any event, this is a great setup


Well-Known Member
First of all I better say hello to the rooster *HI ROOSTER!*

Fdd: I was wondering if someone used plywood over the windows if he or she would be able to effectively run both the intake and outtake out of the window. Say place the intake in the lower right hand corner and the out in the upper left. Also did you just leave it as unfurnished plywood? I'm going to at least paint it to keep it looking less suspicious, but was also wondering if anyone else has tried to disguise the vent window.


Well-Known Member
he talks of putting up screens. i am encouraging him. i don't see many other options. he's running 24/0 as well. i try to tell him he can save a lot of money shutting those 5000 watts off for 8 hours a day. nope. he doesn't believe me when i say the don't need 24 hours a day. he is still learning though. :blsmoke:
Screening is going to help him up him gram per watt ratio but, it usually helps if you are aggressively topping, etc. I would also suggest going to 18/6 to save the 8 hours of money. Also he should find a new medium if he is maxing out his op. Aero or some non heat dependent hydro possibly a soillless medium like coco with dripper rings, this is of course for grows after this current one. Is this op purely for yield or are we going for fine smoke too?
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Well-Known Member
First of all I better say hello to the rooster *HI ROOSTER!*

Fdd: I was wondering if someone used plywood over the windows if he or she would be able to effectively run both the intake and outtake out of the window. Say place the intake in the lower right hand corner and the out in the upper left. Also did you just leave it as unfurnished plywood? I'm going to at least paint it to keep it looking less suspicious, but was also wondering if anyone else has tried to disguise the vent window.

he has tinted screen on the outside of the plywood. it's not visible from the street but once you pull in the driveway you can see somethings going on in that window.

he has an A/C unit. he was venting the A/C exhaust out the same window that he is drawing in fresh air from. from opposite corners like you mentioned. it was causing heat issues so he is moving everything. he may exhaust into the attic or floor now.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Screening is going to help him up him gram per watt ratio but, it usually helps if you are aggressively topping, etc. I would also suggest going to 18/6 to save the 8 hours of money. Also he should find a new medium if he is maxing out his op. Aero or some non heat dependent hydro possibly a soillless medium like coco with dripper rings, this is of course for grows after this current one. Is this op purely for yield or are we going for fine smoke too?
i keep telling him 24/0 is not needed and to try to save some money on the electricity by going 18/6. he won't listen. :evil:

he's going for yield but wants primo smoke as well. :blsmoke: