A 'note' to fellow newbies.

A lot gets lost when you type instead of speak, and things get taken the wrong way.

The main issue I see with this forum is: everyone is right, no one is wrong. Everyone grows the best and they know everything. No one can handle criticism, not even if its constructive. If you say something that opposes their viewpoint, they go on unhinged attacks instead of debating or brainstorming.
This is the reason I decided to engage and discuss things with the forums instead of growers I know, most of them are dinosaurs, they are happy with the way they grow and that's fine "it's always worked for me" is an argument I hear often, They are generally defending the method they use to grow instead of actually engaging in anything constructive.

My plan for growing is to create a system that fits the environment I have, I want it to look after itself as much as possible and is somewhat of a decorative display, so far literally everyone has told me "HPS or your wasting your time".

I think that people are generally like how you described however the Internet lends people more of an opportunity to be aggressive about it and the advantages of the Internet is to engage with a higher volume of people therefore engaging with people who are more reasonable or people who agree with you
Nice posts, by both of you. No, actually, those were GREAT posts. It's too bad that not everyone thinks like that. My take on things- Any person that I meet here, or in person; has my respect. It's there for them to lose. (But damn, PLEASE use the search feature first; and don't ask why your lower leaves are turning yellow, 4 weeks into veg...... Lol)

EDIT: Please do ask how much everyone thinks you'll harvest though! Lol....
What kind of lights are u using? We need more info
Oh. One of my pet peeves, that I've heard others complain about.... PLEASE, try to use proper punctuation. Just me, but if I see a two page long post that doesn't have one period, or even a couple paragraphs; I'll blast right by it. It's just not worth my time or energy to try and decipher what is being said.

Thanks in advance!