A note to noob's

Flushing is the stoner term for leaching (as far as i can tell).

Leaching is used to rid the medium and lines (if any) of excess salts etc. Normally done after harvest on hydro tomatoes for eg.

Im not sure how it could effect the flower itself in a positive way if done whilst the plant was still in the medium.
I do this.. when my trichomes are a tiny bit before I want. I run 3 gallons of floralkeen. next day 10-15 gallons of water. dry out.. 10 gallons of water.... dry dry dry the soil... darkness 24-48 hours then harvest.. I have had my best tasting frostiest weed by doing that.

I may be wrong but untill i see better results i wont change
sorry i came across as an asshole. I wish I could do an outdoor run sometime. my god I'd have to hike miles.. people around here will fuck with your stuff and or steal it.... if i went 5 months and all was good then one day it was gone i'd go insane id be so pissed
Yea..ups and down of gorilla growing. 1/2 the fun is trying to remain undetected i think.

This year i have 4 in the bush, 5 in the back yard (one or two of the back yard ones will go out to the gorilla plot).
I dont smoke very much at all so just one of these plants will return enough for a few years supply for me.
I'll also start my little fun fridge grow again in winter as well.
I wouldn't really know. I don't have access to Fox Farms gear. But, from my limited knowledge. I dare say you'd have to at least water with a compost tea. Or throw in some compost at one point or another.

Mine got a bad nitrogen deficiency because I didn't realize how often I'd need to add amendments. But that was from a short cooked Super Soil mix in a small bucket.
Brother.. it seems to really piss you off that some people flush.. hell its not your grow so why care.. i have done side by side plants and that flushed plant had smoother sweeter smoke. 2 same strains..same nutes..same water..lights.temp.humidity.drying an

Not pissed off at all! Rather amused by those who think they have answers and follow stoner logic from old grow writers, and magazine writers who are coached to write lies from editors who have to back the major add buyers they actually make money from.

The point is, I'm trying to teach the truth. So folks like you don't go out and spend money on products that DO NOT do what they think they do.

The truth is, plants can not be flushed (Nutrients "removed" from the plant by "flushing")! They do not work that way. That's the actual science of the plant! Go ahead and dump as much water through the media as you want! Do it for the 2 weeks that profit mongering nutrient companies tell you to use another product they sell you to get it right.

Do you happen to know that those last 2 weeks are about the plants most important time for our goals? It's called the "bulking" phase. That's when the plant adds as much as 50% of the final bud weight or yield weight. Now just how well do you think that's going with severely reduced to no available nutrition to use?

I gave you why fade's don't really work either!

But, like you say it's not my grow. I REALLY don't give a shit what you do with it!

After all, I don't have to smoke it, or attempt to sell it!

As far as your lame home done "Side by Side" (About as far from a 'blind" study as you can get). In college studies on how the brain works. It was clearly found that when given a task (like finding the difference between "3" snack products)....The brain will find a difference... Even if the 3 products are exactly the same thing!!!!

It's called, Confirmation Bias

Your having a form of it now.....You believe one way because it's what you decided to believe... New truthful information has been offered and the brain is now biased to what YOU have accepted in the past as true.

This human brain bias towards what we have already excepted as fact is now - "comfortable"...That is why "change" in anything is difficult for people to accept. Your no exception to that either.....Learning truth is not hard, if you keep an open mind and want the truth....

BUT, by all means, pour that expensive "feel good" juice though your media! Do what you believe is right! After all, it works for "you"...
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I do this.. when my trichomes are a tiny bit before I want. I run 3 gallons of floralkeen. next day 10-15 gallons of water. dry out.. 10 gallons of water.... dry dry dry the soil... darkness 24-48 hours then harvest.. I have had my best tasting frostiest weed by doing that.

I may be wrong but untill i see better results i wont change

Oh, and by the way......extended periods of darkness before the harvest.....does nothing towards increasing trichomes!

You fly on myth!
The best tasting dope u can get it outdoor organic grown that is never flushed. I'll give ya that. but if u run heavy nutes etc. till the end I like a flushing agent. hell it didnt hurt me at all.. 1 qt of florakleen shipped to me was like 14 dollars.

if you wanna send me a batch of super organic nutrients i can use ill try em and not flush
The point was people worrying about "chemicals" and synthetic ferts, then pouring more shit into the soil to wash it out without knowing what it's made from. I'm not trying to argue I used to believe in flushing to that's why I have a bottle flora kleen. Still I've never seen or heard how it works.

Don't overfeed, alternate feed/water/feed get some runoff that'll keep the soil from getting a build up of salt. Allowing salt to build up makes it difficult for roots to absorb water and minerals causing stunted growth and leaf drop. Waiting until the last 7-10 days to "flush" isn't going to do anything, the damage is done.

The difference between organic and synthetic ferts is like driving a car to work or walking, one will get you there quicker and the other is better for the environment
May not flush chems out of bud but will flush from soil / grow medium, causing there to be no more or less for the plant to absorb.

Eating bread wont absorb liqueur from your drunk stomach but greasy foods are sold at bars because eating peanuts & chicken wings while drinking will cause you to not get drunk as fast.
Ok do they only serve food the last 30 minutes and force it down to sober you up, or is it gradual threw the night? Mostly when people are talking about flushing they're talking about trying to clean the soil the last 7-10 days so bud tastes better.
Dear noob's....

When growing your first ever plant .. Keep shit as simple as possible. I see new growers looking at me being like "I wanna grow 4 plants and scrog em and use fox farm trio + beastie bloomz,open sesame and cha ching and 4 nutrients from AN.

If you are growing your first plant ever and wanna get good results the keep it simple stupid method will work for you.

Your first ever grow dont do 5 plants.. Its not smart in the slightest.

Do 1 plant.. Hell do an autoflower and stick to an easy nutrient setup like dyna gro foliage pro and bloom or the fox farm liquid trio.

for a first time grower you dont need much.. If I was to go back and grow my first ever plant I would buy fox farm trio and grow one auto or one photo strain in fox farm ocean forest soil... buy a ph meter and ph up and down and ph nutrient solution to 6.5 every time.

do that till harvest and flush. bam!.. done!.. you may not get 5 oz dry but you will get an actual harvest of good smoke.

This is my christmas present to new growers who actually wanna grow a plant to harvest and get atleast 1 oz dry of really good smoke.

Dont get in over your head on your first grow. You have loads to learn..

Hell. I still have loads to learn and I'm on my 10th grow.

Always remember this saying KISS (keep it simple stupid)

Merry Christmas ... Keep The Change Ya Filthy Animal

here's me blatantly replying to the first post three pages in.

i call bullshit. i have 3 plants and am learning constantly. im using the same basic formula on all three but doing something a little different on each one. why? so i can compare results, adapt, and learn.

having 5 plants will let you try 5 simple methods. you can then use the best on your next 5 plant grow. trying something slightly different on the other 4. adapt, learn, evolve. one plant will teach you one method. 5 plants can teach you 5.

my 3 DWC grow has a basic gh lucas, basic gh 3 part as instructed, and a lucas with additives. all three have bennies and are being topped once with simple 4 way LST.

i have already encountered root rot and won the battle. i have burned, and un-burned 2 plants. if i can grow the max of 6 legally in my state, i will. i just dont have the cash or time to build the room.
here's me blatantly replying to the first post three pages in.

i call bullshit. i have 3 plants and am learning constantly. im using the same basic formula on all three but doing something a little different on each one. why? so i can compare results, adapt, and learn.

having 5 plants will let you try 5 simple methods. you can then use the best on your next 5 plant grow. trying something slightly different on the other 4. adapt, learn, evolve. one plant will teach you one method. 5 plants can teach you 5.

my 3 DWC grow has a basic gh lucas, basic gh 3 part as instructed, and a lucas with additives. all three have bennies and are being topped once with simple 4 way LST.

i have already encountered root rot and won the battle. i have burned, and un-burned 2 plants. if i can grow the max of 6 legally in my state, i will. i just dont have the cash or time to build the room.
If you're a first time grower. you start 5 plants then figure out 1/2 way through you cant handle growing or dont like it etc then you have 5 plants you have to deal with. Maybe 3 of the 5 get infections or sicknesses.. Now instead of dealing with 1 plant and trying to doctor it back to health you're struggling with 4-5.

I say start with 1 single plant to learn feeding techniques.. see if you like/can handle growing.. I also say start with easy to grow cheaper strains.. What happens if u get a botique seed that is 33$ for 1 fem seed and you kill it. now that would suck a dogs red tipped dick.

cheers. You can call bullshit but its my opinions... I'm not here saying its fact. people are allowed to have opinions.
Yo im a noob . Will some one with experience please try to give me a rough guesstemate at the linage here?
start over .. fuck bagseed. start with good genetics and an easier to grow strain and your end result you'll be much happier with.

for instance.. something like afghan kush ryder from world of seeds. you're first ever grow will give u some fire weed.. your bagseed could have all kinds of problems because its random and the shit parts havent been bred out of the genetics most likely.

you could get lucky though and get some of the best weed on earth. i wish u the best.

I would never wanna start with regular seeds.. say u start one and 5 weeks later its a male.. well.. fuck those wasted weeks.
Hey man, op has 10 grows under his belt, he should write a book for the rest of us! Lol
listen mother fucker.. I never said im jorge cervantes or anything.. I never seen anyone else on these forums doing new posts to help out brand new people. Hald the time these noobs never get responses to their posts.

fuck me for trying to help.

You help em out.
In saying that. I chose to top my first indoor grow. Instead of just letting it grow normally.

Decided I wanted to boost my first harvest. Don't know if I succeeded. Or just made the plant lower and wider than if it grew normally.

One thing I'd like to add. Is the whole not over doing things. If there's one thing I've learned from this run. Don't water too often or too much. The other is make sure you know the pH going in. Otherwise you'll see funny business from your crop.
I think the very worst thing a new grower can do is over water.

hell my first 2 grows i never ph'd my water and smoke came out fantastic. I just never over watered from day 1.

I will say this though... since I started ph'ing everything to 6.5 .. smoke has turned out better n better.
so if i stick a seed in fox farm ocean forest soil and just water.. Ill get amazing weed at harvest and I wont run into deficiencies ? not being a prick, I'm curious
On my first grow, I used FFOF, worm castings and perlite for my soil. I have only fed a handfull of times with fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom a few weeks into flower. I went with feeding only if I saw some problems (the color was very light green in my case) Plant is very happy.

Makes NO difference what you feed! Florakleen does not "flush" nutrients from plants. That's not how plant physiology works!

Here, read my package answer to 'flushing" and begin to find truth.....

I got asked about this in a PM by a member after seeing the disaster another thread became. He asked where to find books and papers on "flushing" and said he might try the "fade".

Here's my answer to him......I felt it needs to be seen,,,,,,again!

Your looking for post grad work. You would do better to search papers......The thing is, NOTHING in agriculture gets 'flushed" and that leads to little to no research in the area. You see, the thing is, the whole "idea" of "flushing is nonsense! Plants don't work that way! They do not take up nutrients or salts as most of you think of them! They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers! NO amount of "flushing" will "exchange" plant "stored" nutrition back "out" of the plant! Scientifically impossible by the way most of you guys understand......Ok, that's my word on "flushing". (No one listens to this in threads if they don't want to hear it or accept it.)

Now then, you propose the "FADE TO FINISH" method. Great idea in theory but, and this IS a BIG BUT! Remember when I said above that "the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!" ? This shoots that theory in the ass right away. You see the main amount of stored nutrition is in either the roots and the rest in leaves and some in small amounts in transit in the phloam (the sap that actually moves the "converted" nutrients around the plant)......

Now when you "starve a plant" it will draw from it's self by actually breaking down the needed parts of it's self to do an "emergency" attempt to reproduce! (This can happen in certain plants even in veg! A kind of last ditch effort to continue the species.)

With that in mind you take the fact that the plant is not "moving" nutrients "out" of buds,but into them to speed growth and as fast as it can - "reproduce". This single minded process the plant now puts it's self on causes the plant to stress it's self. This self induced stress can, in many cases if done long enough, lead the plant to go bisexual, and produce "banana's" in a last ditch effort to reproduce and "carry on the line" and produce seeds...

Basically put, In reality you are moving nutrients that you're "attempting" to get rid of,,right to where your trying to remove them from! You are also stressing the plant in the way for "Herming" to actually happen easier!

I and many others that have tried to convey this actual plant science, are called everything you can think of and those 'impossible of understanding these facts", fight so hard against us that many of us have simply chosen to avoid the issue or don't fight to hard.

Anyway, there you are in as short and sweet and as simple/understandable as I can...

The thing is you have to understand Botany and Horticulture (and there are LOTS of subsections to those that are involved here) to truly put together the pieces of the puzzle to get your head wrapped around the idea that flushing and the "fade" don't work for what they are intended or alleged to actually do!

There you go Mods, nice, polite and to the point. (Sorry about the other thread Sunni)

There you go, Now have at it!
I'm stepping back to watch the circus.

Read this too!

Thanks for the flushing info, I stopped feeding a while ago so I was not going to worry about it but having more info to help make the decision easier helps. I only used fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom a few times and am very happy with the results thus far..
listen mother fucker.. I never said im jorge cervantes or anything.. I never seen anyone else on these forums doing new posts to help out brand new people. Hald the time these noobs never get responses to their posts.

fuck me for trying to help.

You help em out.
Ooh, you know curse words! By all means, keep shoveling your bad advice to newbies then.
Ooh, you know curse words! By all means, keep shoveling your bad advice to newbies then.
bad advice tell a noob to do one plant instead of 10? bad advice to tell them to keep their nutrient system easy instead of using a 12 part AN system etc?

Give the newbies good advice. make a post on it, please..