A perfect cure every time

Help I have a question I've been in bloom for about 8 weeks but I have to chop.my plants down 4 days early so it will be 4 days shy of 8 weeks how screwed am I.
Sorry dont really know how to use site
How many weeks you are in bloom is not a good measurement of maturity and harvest time....post some pics that will help to decide where you are in terms of harvesting...

I'm 12 weeks into flower!!! :spew:

But it was a mystery seed from a bag and obviously a sativa dominant strain as many sativas can take upto 3 months to finish. Then you have to consider if you are trying to grow sleep medicine which would take a bit longer even.


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Don't smoke the bud. I'd suggest making oil or hash with it. Good luck.

Don't ever do that if you have mold you throw that shit away unfortunately absolutely nothing to do about it and making hash out of it is only going to increase the mold percentage just like it does with the extracts so please don't ever ever keep moldy weed it's a shame but nothing can be done throw it away
Don't ever do that if you have mold you throw that shit away unfortunately absolutely nothing to do about it and making hash out of it is only going to increase the mold percentage just like it does with the extracts so please don't ever ever keep moldy weed it's a shame but nothing can be done throw it away

However I have been reading that you can make bubble hash out of moldy bud however I'm going to need to do some more research on that one..But from what I've read water removes the mold from the bud and soaking it in water prior to putting it in the work bag as the mold spores will float to the top and skim them off then put the bud in the bag....But like I said you might want to do some more research prior to doing so on making sure it can be 100% removed...As I am a real medical patient and I absolutely cannot have any sort of thing and poison free aka pesticide and fungicide any acide out there all that poison bs isn't necessary and is more harmful than it is good period.....As I refuse to use any of that garbage on my plants period....And u want prevention on such things then don't be a slow stoned lazy stoner and keep ur grow room clean and sterile like a lab then none of that B's isn't needed it's really not hard either and a lot easier and cheaper than putting that trash on ur plants esp if ur selling to other ppl and even for urself is almost worse....And don't ever ever pick profits over people!!!!!!
Relative Humidity

Wiki agrees;
Relative humidity (RH) is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature.
"55-60% RH - at this point it can be stored for an extended period (3 months or more) without worrying about mold. The product will continue to cure."

So no burping the jars when in this range?
Experience- It didnt work for me and I feel that is to wet to go into jars I tried a few times not just once. Same problem as obijohn.. Terrible dark discoloration, loss of smell, and little bag appeal. I kinda think the rh in my house is to high for this and they NEVER dry. When I open my jars and 65-70% rh goes in there, they just get wetter. I like to get them nice and dry hanging the whole plant, trim, and then cure. The texture (moisture content) and smell go right where I want it during the cure. It also seems to take less time. Anyone having a large harvest would need a rack of rh meters and I just dont see that being practical. BTW thanks guys for opening this thread hopefully simond can now help some people understand this process better. For me and my drying this is where the cure starts and I quote from Simon "60-65% RH - the stems snap, the product feels a bit sticky, and it is curing." Leave them dry until the stem cracks when you bend it. I think the post is a little colnfusing as it first says start curing before the stem snaps and it is still pliable but then its followed up by curing starts when product is at 60-65% and STEM SNAPS.

Hopefully I didnt offend anyone from this post. Just trying to learn. Also I hope mature people can overlook previous debates and give good solid information with out the ridiculing.

Hopefully I didnt offend anyone from this post. Just trying to learn. Also I hope mature people can overlook previous debates and give good solid information with out the ridiculing.

Now that was the funniest thing I have ever read! If it were just that simple.
Don't ever do that if you have mold you throw that shit away unfortunately absolutely nothing to do about it and making hash out of it is only going to increase the mold percentage just like it does with the extracts so please don't ever ever keep moldy weed it's a shame but nothing can be done throw it away
Don't ever do that if you have mold you throw that shit away unfortunately absolutely nothing to do about it and making hash out of it is only going to increase the mold percentage just like it does with the extracts so please don't ever ever keep moldy weed it's a shame but nothing can be done throw it away
What are your thoughts on water curing to get rid of mold?

What are your thoughts on water curing to get rid of mold?

I'm still on the fence about it as I've read it can get rid of it and then I've read it does not as well..I haven't done any more reading on it though tbh as I don't have any so atm got a lot more other stuff to read about but I would definitely like to find a answer as well for future and just to know as well is nice to share with others and it be the correct info..
Exactly my experience too on this method. I gave this method up years ago( only tried a few times) before going back to the snap then jar which works perfectly. And just to add when it snaps, you generally don't need to fook about with the opening and closing the lids. Just try and long out the dry as much as you can and create optimal drying environment is the way to go.
So guys, new grower here. I have one question which I cant find the exact answer to. I just started curing my buds after 4 days of drying and they smell rather decent compared to what my 1st batch smelled in that stage. But my question is regarding one bud that I harvested a bit early as a sample. Did the whole procedure with it and started curing but the hay smell just sticked around even after 2 weeks in a jar. So I took it out, put it in a plastic bag and just squeased it not too hard. When I pulled it put I noticed that hay smell gone and replaced by a nice skunky smell so I just put it back in its own jar and continued curing. Can someone explain to me was that a bad thing or not? Because Ive never read anything about that but much weed where I come from look like its been previously squeased like that, hence the idea. Do people do that and is it a bad thing? Because now that one bud smells way better than my whole batch which I just started curing, its just not that fluffly anymore but kinda compact.
Please dont judge me for my ignorance, im here to learn :)