A Place to Showcase Your Pitbull!!!

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
no offence pitbulls and other mental dogs are
trouble they attack little kids and cause harm to all

seriously your a dick if you have kids and have a nut pitbull
nothing but trouble


no offence pitbulls and other mental dogs are
trouble they attack little kids and cause harm to all

seriously your a dick if you have kids and have a nut pitbull
nothing but trouble
It's people like you who do harm, to these beautiful dogs by talking bad about their entire race. I can agree that there has been instances where Pit bull's and other dogs of the sort attack and hurt people. Most the time these dogs are brought up in a bad environment and the owner is as much to blame. I grew up around Pit bull's my whole life and starting owning them close to 5 years ago myself. They are beautiful animals and very loving. I have personally never seen a Pit bull attack a human, and even if I saw one, I wouldn't judge the previous 200 Pit bull's I met nor the next 200 I will meet. There are always going to be bad ones, same goes for human beings.


Well-Known Member
no offence pitbulls and other mental dogs are
trouble they attack little kids and cause harm to all

seriously your a dick if you have kids and have a nut pitbull
nothing but trouble
So you are saying that all pitbulls are bad because of a select few that were raised wrong? Are all humans bad because there are murderers out there. that is absolutly ridiculous. Have you ever owned a pit, or are you just saying that because people told you they were mean?

no offence
Just cause you say this doesn't mean people won't take offense to it.

In fact, I took it very personally...


Well-Known Member
ppl just dont under stand the breed i had my pitbull around my niece and nephew since they where babies and he wouldnt hurt a hair on there head they use to ride him like a horse pull his tail and ears and it wouldnt even bother him

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Active Member
pit bulls are the most loving dogs i have ever seen.there attitude is all about how they are raised. u have to worry more about a chiuaua bitting you more ppl have bit by those little cock suckers than any other dog. and most pit bulls that attack have been chained up alone in some 1 back yard for years. woldnt u bite some 1 2? i have raised pits for 10 years now and never been bit.


Staff member
looks cute guys! such cute cute dogs, i knew a lady around 50ish years old who got arrested because she bred pitbulls and stood up for their rights, theyre really not vicious dogs, the only thing thst vicious with any dog not just a pitbull is when you train your DOG IMPROPERLY and treat it with aggression not love and caring.
although my dog is not a pitbull id still like to post a photo of her
because i love her

although many say little dogs are yappy and annoying she isn't shes a wonderful dog who barely barks expect when someone comes to the door but hey shes just telling me theres someone here mom!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful dog!! Have you ever tried giving him a basketball?
Thanks, yours too! He's not big on toys especially ones that don't fit in his mouth but he just loves tug. He only played on the tennis ball springpole when I was swinging him around on it.

So you are saying that all pitbulls are bad because of a select few that were raised wrong? Are all humans bad because there are murderers out there. that is absolutly ridiculous. Have you ever owned a pit, or are you just saying that because people told you they were mean?

Just cause you say this doesn't mean people won't take offense to it.

In fact, I took it very personally...
I was offended as well. Anyone spewing that ignorant stereotypical drivel obviously has no experience with the breed and has no business posting in this thread. Just like the anti-pot propagandists out there, the anti-pit crowd uses fear, ignorance, and discrimination to form an opinion. The irony is humorous.


Well-Known Member
my boi in texas work for a rescue if they hear a dogs getting abused they show up in force and basically scare the person to give the dog up some are very mean at first but after a couple months of training there the friendliest dogs you can meet


Active Member
usly at those shelters they dont even give a pit a chance to live. they just put them all down.they just have a bad rep


Well-Known Member
as in the color blue or a blue pit?

either or. he is black and white and I don't know what kind of pit he is mixed with. Me and my roommate rescued him from these people that were beating him