A pot to piss in..ha.ha


Well-Known Member
You can use a small amount of urine diluted with water to give the plants nitrogen, but that's about it, and it doesn't smell to great.


Well-Known Member
I would use only a small amount, like 2-3 tbsp of piss into one gallon jug.

Make sure you're healthy and get your daily vitamins.


Well-Known Member
gag..choke..nasty..eeewwww..buy some nutes..please buy some superthrive..or alaskan fish nutes..trust me..lol


Well-Known Member
i used to live in charleroi not to far away from you.... but now im all the way out in moon.. like the west hills

browns gonna take a sum 9 inch steel up their ass


Active Member
Oh yeah..thats about a mile away ha ha..yeah we gotta give it to em tanight i like how the team is looking this year..they had a very nice game against the texans..i hope wind isnt a factor tanight lol


Well-Known Member
Or you could just use nutirents that are ment for growing marijuana. If you dont have alot of money mix some chicken manure in with you soil and your good to go. Chicken shit works wonders.


Active Member
Damn that may be a problem..i dont know about there back up leftwich he plays like a rookie..but they got a lock down d so they should be okay ..we need to take the win


Well-Known Member
the last 9 games weve played we have won so i dont see us not going 10-0

steelers have a 7 1/2 over and ive got a hundy riding on it so they better destroy... not just win lol