A preliminary feed schedule to kill some time;)

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Got me a plan. I am going to Use BIO BIZZ grow and bloom to feed my plants starting at the third node.

I will then surface dress the soil with high N guano and water with bio bizz and spt once a week.

If I need to water more than once a week then I will water then with spt and worm castigns tea, if it ever gets here.

Sound good? I hope that this is not too hot. Seems like a good plan to get it all going.

I will be testing everything on three trial plants I got going until the fem seeds get here, anyday now I think.

Cant wait. :hump:

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I am in fox farms ocean forest/light warrior/perlite/dolomite lime.

I have not prewaterd the soil with anything like spt or just plain water to get it going. Think I should? FF xoil has a ton of myco and castings in there so I fig it is active. Just not sure about the watering to kick it off. I know I got to do it anyway as the soil needs to be wet once to settle with all that perlite. Gotta do it slowly do it does not all float to the surface. :)

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i was right aid, they have quite a selection of gardening products. At the rite aide! WTf am i doing spendign all that dough on fox farms? They have organic and mulched and recycled compost soils. they got mosses and mulchs. they got rooting powder. they got enough good ferts but i dont think the ferts are organic. But the soil is and it is 3-4 bucks a bag. That will save me 40 dollars for fox farms shipped. thank the ganja goddess.