Honestly UncleBuck, and with all your bigotry aside; do you think it's fair that a country should rely on one family to do as much as the Bush's have done then dare to ask Jeb to come in and clean up after the disastrous Obama presidency? Haven't the Bush's already done enough for the American people? Is it really fair to ask for more?
When does amateur hour end? For the love of God please send us another Bush.
You should take a vote on how much our military likes BarryO. Bush never aided our enemy like BarryO has. I could not imagine being in our military with this POS commander and chief letting 5 talibon generals go for a runner.
The US Military are puppets....if we disagree on a certain subject all hell breaks loose and that Soldiers career is over!
Why yes you are.
Honestly UncleBuck, and with all your bigotry aside; do you think it's fair that a country should rely on one family to do as much as the Bush's have done then dare to ask Jeb to come in and clean up after the disastrous Obama presidency? Haven't the Bush's already done enough for the American people? Is it really fair to ask for more?
post: 11320101 said:a homophobe like you is most certainly harboring some latent desires for a nice penis, no doubt.
yell any racial slurs at mexicans lately, bigot?
I believe you have asked the exact question that we citizens have been waiting to hear. Don't play around with any type of solutions or possible remedies to the complex issues in front of us.When does amateur hour end? For the love of God please send us another Bush.
the country was in a mess before obama took over.i think you need to look at how bad things were when bush was president(i wont say in power)because the real ppl with the power are behind the scenes,and they stay in power regardless of who the president is.Honestly UncleBuck, and with all your bigotry aside; do you think it's fair that a country should rely on one family to do as much as the Bush's have done then dare to ask Jeb to come in and clean up after the disastrous Obama presidency? Haven't the Bush's already done enough for the American people? Is it really fair to ask for more?