A Pro Palin thread


Well-Known Member
You find Palin quitting and profiteering admirable. Awesome. You are the reason your party is leaving you. Justifying anything on "your side", and vilifying anything on "the other side". You make people deaf to the real issues because you are a yes man. Go team. It is dishonest, and pretty annoying.

Tell me why she was a better pick than Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Convince me in ANY way that Palin was more qualified... other than milfishness.

please tell me, what is "my side"?

she's not a better pic. she is not more qualified. hence the change in career.


New Member
But that's my point. Comparing is useless. The ppl who might actually work out the best are never in line for the job. Politics attracts malformed individuals, just like Hollywood.

what... huh?

Active Member
But that's my point. Comparing is useless. The ppl who might actually work out the best are never in line for the job. Politics attracts malformed individuals, just like Hollywood.
Hutchison is in politics. She would have jumped at the chance.

Comparing is not useless. It is important when deciding what your party thinks of you. That the GOP thinks YOU will be attracted to and weighs the scales with "best person for the job" and "most fuckable" while trying to appeal to the women/minority voters.

When your party gives up what is best for the nation in the interest of power and money, you really should take notice and try and affect change.

Democrats are fundamentally socialists. Their guy is doing what they asked (except in so far as national security... shocker). He IS the best choice for their side.

When it all fails miserably, we will pick up and move on. We will innovate. We will succeed. It is what we do. This damage is fixable.

Why did they tap Palin? Because you want to tap Palin.

I am a patriot. You are a fucking Budweiser commercial.

I wasn't talking to you FDD. I said several times, I don't dislike the woman. She is a boob with boobs, and even suggesting she be VP sends shudders down my spine. LOL... and they wanted to put her in charge of NASA... LMFAO


Well-Known Member
But that's my point. Comparing is useless. The ppl who might actually work out the best are never in line for the job. Politics attracts malformed individuals, just like Hollywood.
The only example in support of your claim that I can think of is Jessie Ventura - the wrestler who became mayor of Minneapolis/St. Paul. He actually did a great job and was not at all the typical candidate. In fact, I love his motto - "let's take politics away from the politicians".

Most other unconventional candidates haven't done all that well. Reagan came from Hollywood and was average at best (take the bait.....come on - do it!). Arnold drove his state to the brink of collapse. So who would make the best politician?

Palin is clearly not fit for the political lifestyle. She is ambitious and narcissistic, but has no intelligence to guide these drives into the realm of productivity. And yes, she is following the almighty dollar sign (I would say at the expense of Alaskan citizens, but they sure as hell want her gone) but it is the standard these days. And she will need money - it looks like this newest ethics violation will stick and she will owe more money.

So here's my prediction (even though they're usually wrong). Palin will get the book deal and begin a reality television show, focusing on her travels around the country. Her kids will be fodder for entertainment (as usual) and Levi will be involved. Todd will have an affair and they will get divorced. Her daughter (the one with the baby) will engage in Britney Spears-like behavior and the descent will begin. Eventually, it will all end with Palin dying from a hunting accident in the Alaskan wilderness. Tune in...

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i do agree that people who crave power(politicians) should not have it and the people who should be in power dont crave it funny how that works. there really are never great candidates period in the 2 big parties.

what... huh?

Active Member
i do agree that people who crave power(politicians) should not have it and the people who should be in power dont crave it funny how that works. there really are never great candidates period in the 2 big parties.
No, there aren't. So you are forced to pick the most capable to lead if the shit hits the fan.

I did.

what... huh?

Active Member
Making comparisons is useless to you cracker, because there is none to be made on your side. It is an apples and oranges thing. While I am quite sure that I could easily explain why Obama over any of your neighbors. I have already demonstrated why I chose Obama over your pick... which is my point... prerequisites. The GOP needed a minority to offset the Hillary/Obama spotlight. The choice for a woman was pretty easy.

You only have a handful of options. Condi was too Bush to be viable, and I don't think she would have taken the job. I don't know. I know that she would be called a lot of things for happening to be black as their female pick.

She was the obvious choice for conservatism. You got Miss Alaska runner up.

Maybe Palin is, at least, keeping her options open for making a bid for 2012. Looks like she is trying to get rid of the competition.


We will see what happens in 2012. I expect you will hear from ol' Kay... if Palin lets her stay. You give her the weight to muscle out real conservatism. You are the problem... not me... not even Obama. You.

So long Alaska... and thanks for all the fish...


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. Ventura was mayor of a small town in Minnesota called Brooklyn Park.

Then he became the Governor of Minnesota. Anyway, I agree with the rest about him. :)

I like Kay, Texas all the way lol


Well-Known Member
What does this statement even mean?

You speak with such authority. I'm not an Obama fan, but I do think the country will begin to turn around in March of 2010 and will get better every day thereafter. By time 2012 comes around, I postulate that the dems will be sitting pretty, regardless of what I would like to see happen.
March 2010 eh? You have some inside info? This country couldnt possibly turn around with our money being raped by the fed. This assclown promised transparency, we have gotten anything but, the fed cant even be audited, as they blocked Ron Pauls bill. I like Palin though, she seems like she has real life problems, unlike the phoeny dressed up super canidates we usually are force fed. I dont like either of the 2 major parties, but I trust Paul and Palin, id like to see them on the same ticket in 2012, they would roll to a landslide. And my statement means he is a lame duck, because he duped the dumbass voters in this country and 4 years will uncover the ways in which he did, again, mark it down.


March 2010 eh? You have some inside info? This country couldnt possibly turn around with our money being raped by the fed. This assclown promised transparency, we have gotten anything but, the fed cant even be audited, as they blocked Ron Pauls bill. I like Palin though, she seems like she has real life problems, unlike the phoeny dressed up super canidates we usually are force fed. I dont like either of the 2 major parties, but I trust Paul and Palin, id like to see them on the same ticket in 2012, they would roll to a landslide. And my statement means he is a lame duck, because he duped the dumbass voters in this country and 4 years will uncover the ways in which he did, again, mark it down.

Dude, Palin is sooo bad, that even though Paul is no question the best candidate that has ran in a looong time, I might not vote for him, on that hypothetical card... How old is the guy, that's risky. Just like McCain, he was old as fuck, I think Paul is somewhere around the same age.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Palin is sooo bad, that even though Paul is no question the best candidate that has ran in a looong time, I might not vote for him, on that hypothetical card... How old is the guy, that's risky. Just like McCain, he was old as fuck, I think Paul is somewhere around the same age.
And yet you totally disregard the threat of sickle cell anemia?


Well-Known Member
Damn, there is something we agree on, NASA is a waste of money, But I doubt she could run it. Run it into the ground, alright I agree with that.
Social Security is a waste of money, nothing impressive has come out of it, whereas NASA has helped carve the path for the information age.


New Member
Social Security is a waste of money, nothing impressive has come out of it, whereas NASA has helped carve the path for the information age.
Typical right wing bullshit. Nasa has given us tang and a few other inconsequential little ditties. Social security has kept millions of people out of the poor house. For what NASA costs us, we could have a workable public medical plan for all that need it. I'm getting to a point where I actually hate the right wing philosophy and probably most that adhere to it. What a bunch of selfish hypocritical losers.


Well-Known Member
Typical right wing bullshit. Nasa has given us tang and a few other inconsequential little ditties. Social security has kept millions of people out of the poor house. For what NASA costs us, we could have a workable public medical plan for all that need it. I'm getting to a point where I actually hate the right wing philosophy and probably most that adhere to it. What a bunch of selfish hypocritical losers.
Strange, describing your political party, a party that is certainly dominated by selfish hypcocritical losers, who can't accept the fact that life is unfair. That outcomes are never equal, and that those that work and save are the one's that get ahead in the world. The Democrats are a party for ignorant imbeciles that have no creative or industrious spark left in their pathetic minds but are merely content to be sheep fed to the wolves of the bureaucracy that rules them, and treats them like slaves.

It is an insult to all of humanity to call Socialists people, but it's an insult to all animals to equate Democrats with them, I should apologize to the sheep...