bud bootlegger
its not only 30 minutes out of his life.. its 30 mins a day .. for a total of 2..5 hours a week if the dude works a normal five day week.. i'm the most chill person ever, but it would bug me as well..
replies like this make me laugh, because I know for a fact that if you were the one suffering an inconsiderate neighbor, you'd probably be banging down his door rather than letting him be.yea man who likes to jump into a cold truck.... you ever had a diseal? takes for ever to warm up when its cold....
Not trying to be a dick but if it was my truck i obviously earned it i would start it when ever i want..... Buy some earplugs or some tampons Its only 30min of your life calm down lol Some old trucks won't even start when its cold be lucky he doesn't gotta set there and crank it.... Just let him warm the truck up and go to work then he is out of your hair all day.... I gotta be at work at 5 in the morning so i gotta leave at around 4, the dude works leave him alone.....
exactly, hes proabbley pissed hes gotta wake u pearly every morning, so go and mess up his sleep pattern, But thats a last resort. Try taking the moral high ground and invite him over for a drink, or tea and discuss the issue and see if there can be an arrangement. You cant just expect people to stop what there doing completely, but its always good to find somethign in the middle that works for both partys.well if hes leaving the car idling then it will probably also be unlocked, just get in it drive it up the road and leave it THERE idling for a couple of mornings, he will soon get the idea, either that or an hour or 2 before he gets up for work start banging on his door to wake him up and ask if he wants you to watch his truck in case someone steals it, a few days of being woken up too early might sort it
That would be the adult thing to do. It's possible (not sure how, but it is) that he doesn't even realize all of you can hear the truck while sleeping inside of your home.exactly, hes proabbley pissed hes gotta wake u pearly every morning, so go and mess up his sleep pattern, But thats a last resort. Try taking the moral high ground and invite him over for a drink, or tea and discuss the issue and see if there can be an arrangement. You cant just expect people to stop what there doing completely, but its always good to find somethign in the middle that works for both partys.
LoL thats life man, people gotta work..... i under stand that if he works only a few blocked away 30 min is a lil long but still man its not like he is out there pumping the gas hitting the horn.. look in your owners manual its says to let your vehicle idle for a certain amount of time before u drive it... If i pay good money for a truck ima treat it 2 last for along timeits not only 30 minutes out of his life.. its 30 mins a day .. for a total of 2..5 hours a week if the dude works a normal five day week.. i'm the most chill person ever, but it would bug me as well..
and what does that very same manual say about altering or modifying the exhaust on the vehicle? Hmmm? That truck didn't get that loud on it's own....LoL thats life man, people gotta work..... i under stand that if he works only a few blocked away 30 min is a lil long but still man its not like he is out there pumping the gas hitting the horn.. look in your owners manual its says to let your vehicle idle for a certain amount of time before u drive it... If i pay good money for a truck ima treat it 2 last for along time
Yep i agree with this guy... if its that much of a problem that you can't over look take his advice people that get up early love coffee!!exactly, hes proabbley pissed hes gotta wake u pearly every morning, so go and mess up his sleep pattern, But thats a last resort. Try taking the moral high ground and invite him over for a drink, or tea and discuss the issue and see if there can be an arrangement. You cant just expect people to stop what there doing completely, but its always good to find somethign in the middle that works for both partys.
As long as its got a catalitic converter he can modify it anyway he wants....and what does that very same manual say about altering or modifying the exhaust on the vehicle? Hmmm? That truck didn't get that loud on it's own....
Not if the intent was to create a decibel level that borders or exceeds what is deemed acceptable in his community. I'm willing to bet that the truck is louder than allowed by law. Otherwise, I doubt the OP would be bitchin about it. Comeone, the guy LOL'ed several times while writing about fumes, odors, noise, being woken up, etc. He obviously has a sense of humor and is easy going. I'm willing to bet the truck is loud as fuck and is considered by many to be a nuisance.As long as its got a catalitic converter he can modify it anyway he wants....
I dont care what happens.....but your comment kinda caught my attention.........shop gets caught oh my..............so you saying its agaisnt the rules to sell pot so no dealer would dare take a chance at selling.....that only thing I was thinking of.......not in this argumentLoL Diesel trucks are stock noisy and smell and unless he done this exhaust himself then its not over the legal limit any shop has rules to noise / pollution and they know this if he gets busted with it being to loud then the shop gets a heavy fine
And its nothing against him, if he only lives a few blocks away 30 min is kinda over doing it but still u can't have everything u want
wish in one hand, shit in the other...... see which one fills up first
The problem is I can see a neighbor having the same kind of complaint about you growing legal medical marijuana on your property. They could say the smell annoys them, they could say a number of things interfere with their time at home. BUT i'm of the belief that in your home you can do whatever you want as long as you do not cause harm. I would say let him know it annoys you, but let him know you understand if he has to continue to do it. I wouldn't get the law involved because you may be giving him the right to have the law involved with you. Perhaps he's not done this before and his car has died and it cost him a bunch of money, like if youhad to buy your med pot instead how much it would cost you if you wern't allowed to grow it yourself because it bothered your neighbors... You gotta let free men be free. If you were to spyon your neighbors, and they did something that offended you in their homes or on their property, then that would mean you lived in a free society. If you arn't offended then you live in a place where people really have no reason to continue living anyway, as they would only live in fear in their own homes...OK I wanted to share a problem that I and others that live around me have been having with my neighbor. This dude has a ford diesel, an 08 I think, that he feels is mandatory to idle for like 30 minuets when the engine is cold. He does this with ALL of his vehicles as he thinks the engine will fail if he doesn't....lol His wife also owns a Hummer and she feels the same way about this idling routine as he does (the more idle time the better) and does it regularly as well.
They live next door to me in a single row type of house, so it is attached to one side of my house and he likes to park directly in front of it. I keep one of my vehicles that I rarely use parked directly in front of my house all the time to keep him from parking there because I have told him that him idling bothers me and it's apparent that he doesn't give a shit. Aside from my own home, I own the house on the other side of me that is next to an empty lot (my driveway) that his wife likes to park in front of and idle her vehicle there as well.
This dude goes to work at like 5am, and has his truck idleing in front of his house every morning at around 4:30am until he needs to leave for work at around 4:55 because he works right up the street. Like 3 blocks away and then he parks it...lol
His truck is very loud even idling and alot of the neighbors around here, including myself, have told him that this idling routine bothers them and wakes them up, and he just acts like he can't stop doing it. Dude is like borderline OCD about it.
Not only does the sound wake me/us up every morning, but I get the bonus of having my entire lower floor flooded with exhaust fumes for an hour or two after...lol
One of the other neighbors actually tried to park directly in front of his house to keep the idleing from bothering them so he had to park the truck on a side street a block down, but guess what, in the morning the dude starts it, and pulls around in the middle of the street in front of his house and let's it idle there. lol
I don't think there is anything legaly we can do, so none of us are sure what to do, if there is anything you can do, about this problem, but it really is annoying.
Can anyone think of something we can do to get through to this idiot?![]()
I think I know your brother LOL Ive helped out like that before......Had my M/C show up and partied cops wouldnt show up. a few years backI lived next to a neighbor that did that every winter morning for 10 years. The problem was they were the nicest couple, so I kept my mouth shut.
My brother did have a problem with his neighbor and asking nicely didn't do a thing. He did, however, have a friend that belonged to a motorcycle group (gang) and they were invited to come over one day for free beer and entertainment and parked their 20+ Harleys all over the place and they had one heck of a party. It did get loud and there were comments made near the neighbors bedroom window about his shitty behavior. After that no problem, ever. No one was injured, no threats were made. Sometime intimidation works.
Like clockwork, 20-30 min everytime he starts it in the morning. In fact, last week on his day off he walked out and started it, let it idle for his usual 20 min, walked back outside and killed the engine then went back in the house!!! LOL I'm tellin ya, the dude is OCD.I kinda doubt he lets it warm up for a half hour every morning, but diesels are really loud when you first start them on cold mornings and they need to be warmed up. Id do the same thing for a bit in the mornings if i had one. A guy at work has one a few years older but when he comes in that early he does take his wifes car because of how loud his truck is and needing to let it warm up.