A proposed Challenge To Atheists


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow brothers'

i would like to take the time and propose to you a very simple challenge.

This will only apply to those on here bashing religious beliefs and complaining on RIU about how us religious people on RIU are doing the world bad!

The challenge;

I would like to see you guys go into the middle east with a camera for documentation purposes and take your stupid dumbass "religion is bad, it kills people and stop trying to shove it in our ears, your religion is false and your God is a douchebag" bullshit and tell al queda or mushadin, or taliban and tell them the same things you say on here with the same demeanor and smuck attitude that you give us religious people here on RIU...

I doubt it that none of you will even attempt it because you know you will get tortured and killed on the spot.

SO quit your whining on here ok..
and the fact they tourture people over different ideas doesnt make them bad? or how about blowing up a public place to praise allah? how about that radical christian who slaughtered in norway? or tim mcveigh-christian? or how about jim jones and that crazy polygamist from uthah? religion has created some of the most fucked up people this world has witnessed.
however; i will back buddhism tho, it seems to be the only reasonable religion to follow
yet another stupid stupid idea lol i mean come on how bad are things when you come out with obsurd notions like this lol .

they are more brain washed than even you are ollylifter, in the middle east, religion is all they focus on day in day out lol

and infact your army is over there now, trying to push its veiws on muslims and look where that is getting you , no where fast .
like ive said before religious indoctrination of children is a terrible crime and if you went over to the middle east pushing your bible you would soon find out why .
more people died for Christianity than any other religion. The middle east are only practicing their own religion much like you are so why are you bashing them?
I propose that the OP do the same thing but instead of mentioning anything about their God, just walk around and tell everyone that they are going to hell if they don't accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

I have no problem with Religion. Just keep it to yourself.

And I don't think that you're going to burn in hell for the rest of eternity just because I don't share the same beliefs with you. I would never be so judgmental. Can you say the same?
good responsws... i dont see why u all get so up tight...

but for johnycash, go suck your mommas cock n balls son!
just as you have no problem with religion, i have no problem with atheists... these dudes think i am "brainwashed"

I also never said that you are going to hell if you dont follow what i believe... find a quote where i did...

im not judgemental, i did this to see the reactions of atheists' and to see if they like when someone goes around and calling their belief system bullshit...

just as many do here towards religious people

but it shows, that the atheists that responded on here are too narrow minded to see what i was trying to prove...

I propose that the OP do the same thing but instead of mentioning anything about their God,

just walk around and tell everyone that they are going to hell if they don't accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

I have no problem with Religion. Just keep it to yourself.

And I don't think that you're going to burn in hell for the rest of eternity just because I don't share the same beliefs with you. I would never be so judgmental. Can you say the same?
I didn't accuse you of anything and if I did well than............Forgive Me.

I am no Atheist I just do not fall into the collective and controlled thought that is religion. Don't get me wrong, some of the stories are cute and insightful but so is the 3 Little Pigs but I am not bowing down to James Phillipps.
Hello fellow brothers'

i would like to take the time and propose to you a very simple challenge.

This will only apply to those on here bashing religious beliefs and complaining on RIU about how us religious people on RIU are doing the world bad!

The challenge;

I would like to see you guys go into the middle east with a camera for documentation purposes and take your stupid dumbass "religion is bad, it kills people and stop trying to shove it in our ears, your religion is false and your God is a douchebag" bullshit and tell al queda or mushadin, or taliban and tell them the same things you say on here with the same demeanor and smuck attitude that you give us religious people here on RIU...

I doubt it that none of you will even attempt it because you know you will get tortured and killed on the spot.

SO quit your whining on here ok..

Okay, seriously? How can you figure that someone who is willing to kill their fellow man is a good human being? Anyone who will hurt their fellow man should take a look at themselves and say, "Is this what God wants?" and the answer had better be no... Telling us to tell extremist fanatics they're stupid for murdering and hurting people is like us telling you to stick your hand in a blender(while its on) and hope for good results. You should really think about what you say...
Ive seen this before and yes... i might be Christian, but i aint going to let some stupid retard talk shit to me either...

What you fail to see is that God is all forgiving and i highly doubt He will hold this against me if i am standing up for myself...

nice , do you consider yourself a good christian ?
its all good, me neither and thats what lots of atheists on here fail to see... I too think that most stories in the Bible were far fetched, but they are meant to give a better understanding of how to handle things with an open mind and open heart... many atheists take things out of proportion because they think God wants us to kill people in His name... thats a crock of shit too

I didn't accuse you of anything and if I did well than............Forgive Me.

I am no Atheist I just do not fall into the collective and controlled thought that is religion. Don't get me wrong, some of the stories are cute and insightful but so is the 3 Little Pigs but I am not bowing down to James Phillipps.
Hello fellow brothers'

i would like to take the time and propose to you a very simple challenge.

This will only apply to those on here bashing religious beliefs and complaining on RIU about how us religious people on RIU are doing the world bad!

The challenge;

I would like to see you guys go into the middle east with a camera for documentation purposes and take your stupid dumbass "religion is bad, it kills people and stop trying to shove it in our ears, your religion is false and your God is a douchebag" bullshit and tell al queda or mushadin, or taliban and tell them the same things you say on here with the same demeanor and smuck attitude that you give us religious people here on RIU...

I doubt it that none of you will even attempt it because you know you will get tortured and killed on the spot.

SO quit your whining on here ok..

Well an atheist will live longer doing that than a christian trying to preach in saudi arabia, dumbass.. in those countries heresy is punishable by death, and in saudi arabia you will go to jail for having a bible, So how about you just go read your book of lies by your self and pretend that someday a magical man will come down from the sky and collect all the good little people to sail off into outer space with him and live happily ever after,

1 person believes it they're crazy, 50 its a cult, and 50 million you got religion

you see atheists dont care if you believe in god, in fact deists (people who believe in a greater power as creator but who reject the idea of organized religion because they see those people as mindless sheep ignoring all the ways we have come to understand this great creation AKA science) are some of those most respected thinkers in our world, cause they realize that finding all of your life's answers in one book written over the course of 500 or so years is the same as believing everything that FOX news says without even taking a look at the other channels.

just being American you stupid cunt will get you killed over there...

Well an atheist will live longer doing that than a christian trying to preach in saudi arabia, dumbass.. in those countries heresy is punishable by death, and in saudi arabia you will go to jail for having a bible, So how about you just go read your book of lies by your self and pretend that someday a magical man will come down from the sky and collect all the good little people to sail off into outer space with him and live happily ever after,

1 person believes it they're crazy, 50 its a cult, and 50 million you got religion

you see atheists dont care if you believe in god, in fact deists (people who believe in a greater power as creator but who reject the idea of organized religion because they see those people as mindless sheep ignoring all the ways we have come to understand this great creation AKA science) are some of those most respected thinkers in our world, cause they realize that finding all of your life's answers in one book written over the course of 500 or so years is the same as believing everything that FOX news says without even taking a look at the other channels.
many atheists take things out of proportion because they think God wants us to kill people in His name... thats a crock of shit too

Well, to their credit, the Bible is pretty explicit in saying exactly that. Deuteronomy 17

Now I am not saying that I think that is what the bible intends as a whole but it is hard to tell. The bible contradicts every point it makes elsewhere in the book. Do kill. Don't kill. Rape a girl. Don't rape a girl. The only time the book is consistent is when Matt, Mark Luke and John just repeat each other.

I say to anyone who picked up the Bible and found great divinity within it, Read another holy book. If one set you off on a life long quest, why not read them all. They all boil down to the same thing.
however; i will back buddhism tho, it seems to be the only reasonable religion to follow

True Budhism is a philosophy teaching you how to act and live in a way that will negate the suffering in this world,

the religous aspect of it is overblown, christians and atheists both learn from his teachings without renouncing or diminishing their previous beliefs.